Selling Hair with success, time to scale your hair extensions business!
Time to scale your hair extensions business, when selling good and your business is ready for the next step.
Scaling your business is not simply growing your hair extensions business, by following the growth of customers. You scale your hair extensions business when you can grow revenue at a rapid rate, while adding resources at a lower rate.
Only accept higher profit when you grow your hair extensions business
When you manage to sell more and your hair sales grow, you can decide to hire more staff. And grow your sales and storage space to keep up with the hair sales. In this case the organization follows the hair sales.
But does this mean you go for the maximum profit potential. Isn’t there more to gain? Yes, there is!
To scale your hair extensions business, you must work on a business model in a way that easily scales to generate consistent sales growth without adding too much additional resources at the same time.
How can you achieve that?
Boost Returning customers
Happy clients should always be the top mission of your hair business. They are the cure for everything. Happy and thus loyal customers do not need a lot of marketing effort (costs) anymore. They have found their way to you store and they know what you deliver. You only need to be sure to keep them happy, so there are not for free!
It is nice to calculate how many of your clients are returning clients. Check once a month if the share of returning clients versus your total clients grows. If not, set a campaign to discover why clients do not buy for a second time? With that expertise you can improve your hair offer and service.
These clients are also very interesting from a perspective of cross and up selling. Clients who have bought your hair extensions, might be interested in buying your wigs too, or beauty products you offer.
If you are considered as the one stop shop, clients will stick to your business!
Create new products based upon client’s input
You need to know your clients needs. The Ideal Client Template in our All-in-One Hair Business Package helps with finding the right clients. And these templates will adjust your marketing messages, so your ideal clients can find your hair business too.
But you can go one step further, and pro-actively involve your clients in the products and services you offer. Scale your hair business by being fully customer centric. Not only new products, but also how to deliver the hair and beauty products more efficient and with more impact. Or how to sell more better.
You can do this yourself or hire somebody who fully understand the product and the market.
Bundle deals!
Learn for your client’s complaints and inquiries to scale your hair business.
Of course, you must treat every client as a unique person. But there is a benefit to group them and the service you offer.
A bundle deal is a great example. What if you can offer your clients a complete bundle deal, with the lengths they most likely will need. No need to spend time with a client in a chat or on the phone, but just let them find the perfect bundle deal.
Think about a subscription service, to offer them new hair extensions right in time. Your clients will not need have to rush into buying new extensions because you offer them the right hair in time. This is also a great way to build a network of loyal clients.
Increase the numbers of Ideal Clients
Define and find several ideal clients. Do not go for only one Ideal Client but define Ideal clients in other segments of the market too. And look for common behavior or needs. Sell online but organize hair extensions parties or sell hair via salons. Sell to individuals but also to resellers.
Look for behavior that is similar. Small resellers behave rather similar as retail clients, while salons are more behaving like bigger hair stores.
Ready to scale your hair business?
Let me hear if you are ready to scale your business now, or if you face challenges. We can help in information technology and business solutions to help you scale your business.