Do you use the glue on wig method already to generate more money?

Do you use the glue on wig method already to generate more money?

Home 9 Tag: Start own business

The glue on wig method generates more money thanks to x-selling!

The glue on wig method can be the best method to make more profit and more happier clients. You already know you are not selling hair bundles, but a feel and look good experience. So, you have all the possibilities to sell other hair and beauty products too.

Cross-selling is a technique you can use to get a customer to spend more on your hair and beauty products. All you must do is to make them also purchasing a product that relates to what she bought already. It will increase the average order amount. A higher average order amount will help you to reduce the cost of shipping per order. This makes it easier to offer free or super low shipping, for example. And it means more profit of course.

So, use the “glue on wig” method to increase the sales. In this post I will explain how you can put in place the “glue on wig” method.

What can you use to glue down a wig?

It all starts with the need of your client. Make sure you understand her hair needs and use every opportunity to chat with her about hair. Once you have a good understanding of her hair needs you can give her the advice she needs and look for alternative products to sell.

Your client has an interest in wigs, and you notice she would like some education on this. You can help her not only with the wig, but also with her doubts about wearing a wig, like “what can I use to glue a wig?”.

It was this question that created the “glue on wig” method. Let me explain more about this.

What is the glue on wig method?

Your client enters your store or visit your web store with the idea for a specific product. This customer behaviour is also the way most web stores design their store. Check at any store the collection of products. This is most often the core of the web store.
Especially for start-ups, they will focus on hair, hair, and more hair. It shows the bundles:
– Brazilian,
– Peruvian or
– any fantasy name you have to offer and talk about technical issues (lengths, texture, and colour).

But your client is not looking for a bundle of Brazilian Body Wave. No, she is looking for a way to look good when she goes out again, or when she is having her wedding. Nobody is looking for “4 wheels, a steering wheel and two couches”. People want to be mobile! Car companies sell a driving or mobile experience, not 4 wheels!

The same for you, people enter the store looking for a hair product, but you can offer them the complete solution. A beautiful wig, that will not embarrass them when somebody strikes your head too fierce.

The glue on wig method, is a way to stick several products to the main reason people came to visit your store. If people buy a wig, sell glue and other protective products.

How to make this a success?

First, do not oversell. People do not get enthusiastic when you keep on offering them other products. Please do not.

People do appreciate a good advice, that seems neutral, but of course has a product attached to it. The best way is to inform your clients. Show them products other people frequently bought together with that specific product. This is also a great opportunity to have your clients help you to sell. If most clients prefer a certain glue, when they buy a wig, you provide neutral advice to your client. And it helps you to sell more.

How are you going to sell more?

Check the all-in-one- business package to see how you can get more tips on how to sell more hair and beauty products.

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I am ready to inspire you to run your hair business again

I am ready to inspire you to run your hair business again

Home 9 Tag: Start own business

You never have to run your hair business alone

Today I want to take away one big misunderstanding. The impression you must run your hair business all by yourself. This is not true; you are not alone. You are not alone, when you get the idea of starting a business. And you are not alone when you must make all kind of business decisions later. For example, because the sales are lacking behind, or if to rent a larger space for your store.

The art of running a hair business

Okay, let us start to talk about what doing business is. If you are running a business, you have a solution, that can be a service, or a product other people need. You did your market research; you talk to many girls and women and you know:

  • my town lacks a good hair and beauty store, or
  • due to this lockdown, women tell me on social media they want to still look good and they need wigs, handmade wigs! Or
  • in your country there are many resellers. They want a better offer for their clients, so they need a reliable wholesaler. Or…

Would You Like to Make $ 30.000/month for Only $ 29/month?

Other people formed your business

The first idea for all businesses come from conversations people have. Not a dream that pops up in your head just before you wake up. Or when you sit in the bus driving home and you stare out of the window. The idea you want to run your hair business, pops up when

  • your friend is complaining to you about hair and online hair stores or,
  • when you talk to a store selling hair and they do not understand what you need.

Only then the thoughts start to evolve in your head. You start to get those beautiful and pleasant dreams. Dreams that proof you can solve the problems of all those girls. Dreams that make you wake up in the middle of the night, grab a piece of paper and write down the game changer of the hair industry.
These dreams you must cherish. Because they help you to work out the solution you are going to deliver to the women and men in need of better hair. These dreams help you to run your own hair business without spending money. Without the risk to lose money.

Use the needs from others to create your business

Your ideas on paper are the model of your hair business. But like any good model or prototype, you need to challenge it, you need to test the assumptions. Suppose you heard people need more human hair in your county. You have talked to three girls at college and they all tell you the same. Take it home and start thinking about the why, and what you could do to solve this need. You do not have to do anything, but for sure you will start to dream about it. Your brains will help you to solve the problem and with beautiful dreams you will wake up. But be aware, a dream is not a nightmare. You will not wake up in sweat your idea is not working, or nobody is asking for your hair. Dreaming before you start is without risk.

Talk hair at breakfast before you run your hair business

Now you start to talk to people. First at breakfast when you tell your family or your partner about the idea you must run a hair business. Your enthusiasm gets rewarded because your table companions give you feedback. They feed your passion and with this fuel your ideas grow. Your solutions come even closer within reach.
You plan your first market research. Is what you think what women need? Are there enough ladies in town or on the internet who need your solution? How much are they willing to pay?
You can do an online market survey, but I recommend, to also talk to people face to face. Go to the mall, go to events and ask some for their opinion. If you cannot go out, you can use social media to start to connect and use DM or chat to interact.
It will surprise you how positive people are if somebody tells them they want to start selling hair and beauty products. Always nice to talk hair and about your stress and frustration. Always nice to know there is somebody who will solve your needs. Believe me you will get so many positive reactions.
Note or record their feedback, if possible, make pictures you later use for your web store. You are going to solve all the nasty problems in hair land. You will get some much energy and great input for your business.

You are in hair business girl!

And you start. You start selling hair, add some cosmetics to it. Have a catchy name for your hair business and with the hair they need you start selling online and in store. Or in any way you worked out the solution for the needs of your market, your ideal clients.
The business picks up, people ask questions, buy some bundles and now you know this concept is working. You are in business girl!

Keep on talking hair to run a successful hair business

But when you are in business, when you run your own hair business, you still must check if your model, now being a real store, is working. Regardless if the store is online or a brick and mortar store. You must know what tomorrow’s needs are, you must know how a crisis might affect demand and how to keep in touch with your ideal clients and your visitors.

What if the Coronavirus slows down your sales because you cannot find the hair? Or clients stay at home, so they do not visit your salon? What if there is a new bigger store that opens its doors around the corner. What if your web store does not attract enough visitors anymore?

Why do you stop talking?

Now most people keep the worries for themselves. It is nice and easy to talk about potential growth and new things. But if things do not work, you prefer to solve it all by yourself. It is your store, so you must solve it. You do not want others to know things are not going that great.
But why would you ignore a method that has proven to work? Why wouldn’t you go back to the source that gave you energy when you started selling hair? Do you still remember waking up in the night, and you started to write down awesome business ideas? You wrote the solution for other people’s problems, based upon input form the talks you had with others.
Why not anymore? Why would you now stop drinking from the well that gives you energy and the power to find new ways that will change the hair industry?

Get energized and get awesome ideas from talking again

Ask your clients if they are happy. First in general, but also about your business and service offering. Do a market research. Add some questions about how you now run your hair business. No need, or better not, to tell people, this is what I offer and why don’t you buy? Think of questions that are very much related to your business. Next to questions that should give you an insight in the dreams and needs your clients have.

You are unique but why don’t you use that?

And now comes the most important part, you need to zoom in on every positive note. It is easy to see only the negative when things go rough. But every store, every hair business and more important, every store owner, I mean you has something unique. Something that help you to connect with people, and that will bring something new to your clients. Find it and make an advantage of this. Most often it is only an outsider who can see this. I am sure your mother can list at least 50 things that make you unique but consider asking somebody at more distance.

I love to help you; I know everybody has a unique selling point and GOD inspires me to find that in every person. It is so rewarding to chat with somebody who is looking on how to be unique and how to come with a solution other need. And to find that unique thing, that unique message she gives. Let me inspire you to work on your hair store and to grow your sales to a higher level.

I am ready to inspire you to run your hair business

Have the results of the market survey and let us chat, talk or face time. Or leave a comment. Inspire me with your story so I can inspire you to successfully run your hair business. Because you are the boss, but you are never alone!

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Cash Flow Forecasting will help you selling hair in Atlanta

Cash Flow Forecasting will help you selling hair in Atlanta

Cash Flow Forecasting will help you beating the competition in Atlanta

Cash is the blood if you want to keep selling hair in Atlanta. You can only survive the saturated hair market of the capital of Georgia if you keep control of the cash flow. If you master the art of Cash Flow Forecasting, you will outpace the competition. And get their clients as a reward!

So, time for a dull but business lifesaving post about financials. I will make it as less as dull as possible, because I want you to keep on selling hair in Atlanta!

Sorry my Queen, but Cash is King

Even if you name your business “Queen Virgin Remy”; cash is King. Cash is the most important financial driver to keep your business selling hair in Atlanta. A cash flow forecast will help you to pay the bills in time.

First, we need to agree on what Cash means. Cash is not the profit you make selling hair.
Cash is the money in:

  • your pocket,
  • on the bank account or
  • saving account

you can use to pay bills or to use for household expenditures.

Profit is when you sell hair above the cost price of the hair and after you deduct all expenses. Expenses like:

  • the rent of your store on Edgewood Ave, Atlanta,
  • the shipping expenses
  • the invoice of the accountant and

off course the depreciation of the inventory.

You can make a lot of profit by selling hair, but if your clients pay later or you invest all the money you receive in new inventory to show in your store, you have no cash. You will have no money to pay bills. You might need a loan. So, profit is nice, but cash is better.

The art of Cash Flow Forecasting for a hair store

If you do not have a crystal ball, you need to make some assumptions about what the future will bring. You will notice over time your assumptions will improve. The forecast you make about what the cash will come in and what will leave for your hair business will be more accurate.

Please understand it is all about learning, nobody will ever know exactly how much money she will receive in 25 days’ time. But more important is you start with thinking about the cash you need in the future.

When I was still at the university, there was a boy whose father died, and he left him a business. Of course, very sad news, but rather soon the boy had a fantastic cabriolet. Everybody was jealous. But as he used the cash flow of the business to pay for the car, it was a matter of a couple of months before he ran out of cash. Now he had to walk again to the campus instead of driving.

Take your time to learn how to enhance your forecasting skills and do not give up when you miss the forecast and receive less or spend more money. The only thing you shouldn’t do is to give up forecasting your cash flow.

Tricks to forecast

Let’s start with the reason you started this hair business in Atlanta. You want to sell hair. Based upon the market survey, your ideal client profile and your talks with potential clients at Cumberland Mall you have an idea what people want and approx. when they will buy the hair.

If you sell hair on credit of work with a layaway plan, you must minus the money when you sell on credit form your cash flow. The money you receive because of the layaway plan you can add.

But you can only sell hair when you buy hair first. So, you need to consider the time it will take you between the purchase of hair, assuming you must pay right away, and the average days it takes before you sell hair. The days the hair is on the selves, you do not have cash to pay bills. But you have beautiful hair to attract customers.

Now it also pays of if you have a good wholesale supplier, or more accurate, a good relationship with your hair supplier. If you manage to get some credit on the hair you buy you can free up cash. See if you can agree on the payment of half of the stock when you order and the other half a couple of weeks after you received the hair.

You can even accept a higher price for the hair, if you can sell more hair in the time you have the hair on credit.

Again, this all depends on the relation with your hair supplier, thus take this in consideration when you select the hair supplier.

Hair Cash Flow Forecasting Model

For hair businesses I developed a spreadsheet with a sales forecast and a cash flow forecasting model. These models, together with you learning to understand the cash flow of the business better over time will help you to keep on selling hair in Atlanta.

So You Think You Can Sell Hair?

So You Think You Can Sell Hair?

So, you think you can sell hair?

You have been dreaming about it since you were a little girl. You love hair and you want to do hair every day! You love to sit with your friends and do breads or weaves. From sunrise till sunset! You want to sell the hair online. Right? It is obvious you also want to sell hair. You have seen your friends buying and selling and now your moment has arrived, you are going to launch your own hair store! You are convinced, you can sell hair!

First find the capital, the suffering has started

The first thing you do is to start saving money, you help your family and the money you get you carefully set aside. Or you take a part time job, next to college or the university. You save every penny you make. Except once a month when it’s a night out with your friends. The other weekends you stay home, while your friends go out and have fun. You also buy less clothes; you can still wear that shirt or the blue trousers. Consume less is also very eco-friendly. Your friends do not understand it and you notice they hardly show you their new clothes anymore. But you have a goal, your own hair business! For that goal you are willing to sacrifice a lot. And you save the planet in the meantime. But you also feel that nobody told you being an entrepreneur was this tough. After 6 months of saving you think, this must be enough for the start of my hair business. I have the capital and now let’s start selling hair. You want to let the money work for you!

Use the money or lose it

You know you only can sell hair, if you have hair to sell. Without the hair nobody will buy from you. You need to show the hair to your friends to start. Let them feel the hair so they will fall in love. They will beg you to get the hair! Yes, you are ready to start a hair business. You know you can sell hair.

You start to google and type; “how to sell hair extensions“, or how to find hair suppliers! The results show you a great site about all you need to start selling hair and a lot of other sites from hair suppliers. Isn’t it great? The day you decided to make your entrance on the hair market, hundreds of shops and manufactures are ready to open their doors for you. So much hair, difficult to make your choice.

What to do next? You do not want to risk your money on fake hair. You know some hair is really bad hair and because there is no hair police nobody will help you if you receive lousy hair. A Chinese hair seller even told you the hair grades 6A, 7A and so on are no guarantee at all. Everybody can grade his hair. No check by anybody. Except by your client because they will complain and ask for a refund if you sell them hair as 8A and it is bad hair. You want to stay away from this nightmare.

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Ask questions

Okay, what is the best thing to do if you are stuck, if you do not have the answer? Ask! There is no such thing as dumb questions they told you at school. The website How to Sell hair Extensions even has a special page where you can ask questions by mail or WhatsApp. So, you wrote your question on the app. “What hair to buy to sell a lot!” That is exactly the problem you are facing. You want to know what the best hair is I can buy so I can sell hair to everybody who wants to buy my hair.

Action is reaction, or more questions than answers

After you sent the app you receive the answer. Thanks for asking “What hair to buy to sell a lot!”, but that is not the right start. If you want to sell hair you first need to know whom you are going to help to solve her hair problem. Go out and ask questions, have chats with women and girls who are looking for hair. And do not forget to spy on the competition. Who else is selling hair and how do they promote the hair? Or if there are no shops in your town, perhaps there is too little demand for hair.

This is odd! You ask one question and instead of one answer you only get more questions and even some tasks to perform! You were ready to start selling and now you must put the money back on your savings account and to do some homework. This does not feel right. You have been dreaming and thinking so long about starting your hair business and still you can’t start!

You know what the market wants

You have been talking hair with your friends since they started to buy hair extensions or weaves. You love to read magazines about hair, and you have bought hair before. So, you know the kind of hair women want. You also know to whom you want to sell, women between 18 and 45. So you finished your market survey and are ready to buy the hair. You have seen some shops on AliExpress that sell hair so all you need is to place your first order!

No Money, No Gain but you do have Hair

You invest all your savings because this way you can buy Brazilian and Peruvian hair, 18 inches and 20 inches and 24 inches because you love to have long hair. Not cheap the 24 inches, but your clients will pay you for this gorgeous hair. You use MoneyGram because that is the cheapest way of paying. You want to use your money to invest in hair to sell and not in payment providers or other services.

After a week you finally receive the hair. You nearly kissed the guy from FedEx when he handed over the parcel from AliExpress. This is the moment of truth, today your hair business is officially opened! An unpleasant surprise was the tax you had to pay before you got the hair. Lucky your mother supports your venture and she paid the tax this time.

You realize you should have bought some drinks to celebrate, but let’s sell first. You open the package and the hair has a certain odour. Not nice, but for the rest the hair looks nice. You call your friends and ask them to come over. Now you have so many bundles of hair, your friends are rushing their way to you. They like the hair, except for the smell. So much hair and they can touch it, feel it and they open all the packages. This is the hair heaven on earth! One of your friends tells you. You note the expression, because that could be a good name for your hair business.

But your friends do not buy the hair. The length is not good, they prefer 14,16 and 18 inches or they want deep curly and the smell. But it was a fun night and when your next shipment arrives, they will buy from you. Promise! But make sure the hair is not smelling!

They leave and you stay behind. All the hair is out of its original packages, and you do not recall anymore what was the Brazilian and what the Peruvian. You go to bed and plan to sort it out tomorrow. Your first day in business you did not sell hair and you had to pay the import tax (well your mother did).

The hangover

The next morning you enter the room and the smell of the hair has taken over the room, it makes you kind of sick this early. So, you open all the windows of the house. You still must sort the hair and you want to make pictures for your Instagram account. But what was again what? Suddenly it is less nice to sell hair. You have the hair, but your friends did not want to buy. You put the images on Instagram and now people start to react. “Lovely and how much?” All day long you are busy to reply the messages, but nobody buys. Okay, most of your Instagram followers are your friends or the friends of your friends. But still somebody could be so kind to buy the hair from you?

So You Think You Can Sell Hair

Now you can’t sell the hair, you can neither buy new hair. Your friends have promised you to buy from you when you have 14 and 16 inches, but how can you get the money to buy this new hair?

You feel the passion for your own hair business leaving the house through the open windows, you do not want to sell hair anymore. You thought you could sell hair, but instead you lost all your savings and are stuck with a lot of hair nobody wants to buy.

What went wrong? Leave a comment and I will contact you

Hey how do start own hair business

Hey how do start own hair business

Hey how do start own hair business

This week, Shantina reached out to me. Shantina asked me by mail, “Hey, how do start own hair business?” Nothing more, only this phrase. It was this sentence that kept me thinking for some time.

The main goal to start How to Sell Hair Extensions was to help women with the dream to start selling hair. You adore hair and you see some of your friends start selling hair. And they are even making some nice cash. The second you are going home, you start to imagine. “I can do the same, I can sell hair too and I know I can do better!” You have a clear mission; you want talk hair all day, sell hair to your friends and friends of friends and make money.
You want to sell hair better than your friends, but is that adequate to start a hair store? Because how do you start your own hair business? Who can tell you? Your friends who are selling are not going to tell you where they got the hair. The lady of the salon or hair store is not going to share how to beat the competition or how to establish a successful hair business. You are on your own if you want to start a hair store!

Thanks Rosa

I thank Rosa for the image of her great store and salon in Spain!

How do start own hair business?

The good news is, you managed to find this website. I want you to know, you are no longer alone. Not anymore, right from the minute you found my site and you made contact. By email, WhatsApp or social media, or you left a question like Shantina did. As of now you are not alone anymore. Your question is for me like the start gun for athletes. I see your question and I jump up. I want to know what is driving this woman to start selling hair, what is her dream, how will the store look like? And how can I support her?

Share your questions about selling hair

For me every question is important. Because I know, behind this question is somebody with a dream, with thoughts to improve her or his financial situation. Success will improve her standards of living, she will be able to go to the university, take care of her family or just to buy those shoes and bags she liked so much!

I will answer your questions, because by doing so, I can do my part in making this world a better place. And that is what all women selling hair want to accomplish too, I know. Making this a better world, full of the best-looking women. Thanks to the hair products they offer.

The start of your own hair business is … at the finish

While I reply the mail from Shantina I am working on a larger project. I am working on an easy to use plan to guide everybody who wants to start to become a hair entrepreneur. Step, by step. If you contacted me recently by WhatsApp, you will notice this already. To begin with the start of your hair business, you need to focus on the end, the finish so to say. Do not ask how to start, but make it clear for yourself what do you want to achieve?

If you put all your energy, time and perhaps even money in finding out how to start your own hair store, I fear you will lose interest over time. Your dream will never come true and you will end up buying the hair from your best friend, for eternity. And always listening to her success stories. Too many, girls and women started with a dream to be financially independent, but they stranded because they did not know where to go.
They wanted,

  • to sell to the girls at college and wholesale too.
  • to sell to all afro American women between 18 and 45 in their country and abroad.
  • the name of a good hair supplier to sell this hair to anybody they know.

These are great ideas, but they are not business opportunities.

The best way to start, is to think of a successful hair store, your store!

It is systematically proven that your brains do not understand the difference between reality and imagination. Sounds odd, but it is the explanation of why you like to read a short novel or watch “Orange is the new black”. It is the base of success for athletes who prepare for a new record. Imagine every step of the race, repeatedly and sure you will be the winner, or a good number two!

The same goes for your own hair store. Imagine how your store will look like, how will your happy customers look? Imagine the hair and even the aroma of your fast selling hair. Visualize every single part of a successful hair store, your store!

Visualize Your Success

Some people use Pinterest to collect the images of their dream store. But you can also collect in paper the images, quotes from entrepreneurs who inspire you and pictures of happy women with gorgeous hair. It does not matter how you do it.

Create a special spot for your vision board. This is the board with the pictures and quotes and other stuff that fits perfectly in your hair store. Make the vision board complete and make sure you will maintain it. Your thoughts about the ideal hair business may change overtime. It will get better day by day!

Now you know how to start your own hair business

Look at your vision board every single day and imagine how you will be standing behind the counter, talking hair with the most beautiful women of your town, or better the world! They come all the way to buy from you! What is needed to make this vision board into reality? You. You only need yourself to put this into action. All you need to do know is to start to take over control of your brains and to implement your vision of this awesome hair business into reality. You will have the perfect store and have answered all by yourself the question: how do start own hair business?

I am here for you 24/7

And if you need some help, please do not forget to ask me for help. I am here for you 24/7.