Apr 20, 2020 | Launch Your Web Store, Sell Online, WholeSale Companies
Covid 19 news, high demand for hair, but nobody sells!
Here is some Covid 19 news if you are sitting home and waiting for the lockdown to end and the virus to leave the country. Or is your strategy to win from the Coronavirus by waiting until everything is back to normal?
Then I have bad Covid 19 news for you, a big chance you will wait too long. Big chance your clients and leads will be gone and lying in the hands of the competition. The market is not waiting, and your clients did not stop buying hair, hair care and cosmetics!
L’ Oreal has good Covid 19 news
How do I know? Why would I know better? All you need to do is to check for example the first quarterly results of a hair and cosmetic giant like L’Oréal. I will tell you more about this. But again if you think the market is asleep, wait until I tell you about an increase of 50-60 percent of online sales!
After the good news about the hair and care market, I will share some ideas to enjoy from this higher demand. I do not want you, my loyal viewer, to miss the opportunity to start, and grow your hair business so you can make nice money.
I will complete this post by sharing what some of my clients, leads and other nice ladies and men are doing right now. Again, no need to believe me, let the market tell you what is happening!
Ready for the good news about COVID 19?
This week on CNN business an inspiring story about of the largest hair and beauty companies in the world. L’Oreal. The title “People aren’t leaving home. But they’re still buying beauty products” immediately draw my attention. This great piece of journalism from Hanna Ziady was exactly what I was looking for. Hanna is the south African Financial journalist for CNN. (follow her on Twitter @HannaZiady). Her article has what I needed to inspire you all to act. Last week I already told you only you can get the whole world out of the Corona crisis, this article confirms it!
Higher hair and beauty sales despite Coronacrisis
Okay, only facts matter. L’ Oreal, know from African Beauty Brands, Garnier, Ralph Lauren, Maybelline New York, Proenza Schouler, Atelier Cologne reported a 6 percent higher sales in China the first quarter of 2020. That is higher sales in a period everybody is talking about lower business thanks to the Corona crisis.
Strong appetite for beauty products remains intact!
L’Oreal understands what is happening perfectly well. “as the example of China has shown, the current situation does not call into question consumers’ strong appetite for beauty products, which remains intact”.
China, the first country hit by the Coronavirus, or Covid-19, saw online sales that have skyrocketed! 67% growth L’Oreal explained to Hanna Ziady. That is a figure you can be proud of! The main products? Skincare and haircare. So, lockdown, or no lockdown, here is Covid 19 news “” there is a clear demand for beauty products!”
Now the country is reopening its economy, the demand for other products has bounced back strongly. Hanna wrote L’Oreal predicts a double-digit growth in the second quarter!
Lesson to learn from L’ Oreal and Darling Hair
Here is a lesson to be learned, the same as you did from Darling hair, invest in your online presence now! Focus on wigs and other hair installments your clients can do themselves.
You want better Covid-19 news to convince you?
Okay, let’s repeat there was a pretty quick bounce back of the consumption of beauty products.
But also, it is not a demand crisis, it’s a supply crisis. In other words, your clients are in desperate need for hair and beauty products! But they cannot find them!
The CEO of L’Oreal, Jean-Paul Agon, predicted a “rush to salons everywhere” once the lockdown is over. Black Friday will be like a kid’s party! This is only good news if you do something with this business opportunity!
Contact salons, nearby and elsewhere and team up! Tell them you can support them with the demand for hair and beauty products. Share the business and make both extra profit!
On Fox news, yeah, I watch a lot of TV, I saw a lady in the US who complained about the lock down. Her hair was growing out! She had a natural ombre. Grey on top and coloured below her ears! She was ready to protest the lockdown to be over, so she could visit the salon again!
I bet you know more examples near you!
Business Opportunities
Okay, there we go. If you have the time, the ambition and the passion to launch or grow your hair business, this is the moment!
Online Sales
If you are still in lockdown, use the time to start preparing yourself. Benefit from the huge demand for wigs, clip ins and other easy to DIY install hair. Sell Online. Help your clients how to select the best product, be their expert and sell. If you are ready to sell them the hair they need today, they will return to you when we have more positive Covid 19 news. Or when the Coronavirus will have less impact on our daily life.
Team up with salons
Connect with local salons and offer your help. Work out together the needs your mutual customers will have once they can have their hair done again.
No salons you know, consider how you can help your clients finding the best hair they need. Look for ways to interact with them on social media or WhatsApp. Be patience and most importantly listen to them.
What others say about the hair market
I want to share some of the chats and calls I had the last week. They inspired me and I think they can also help you to understand what is going on in the hair market. It is not only Covid 19 news, but most of it is related to the Coronavirus. How are other hair resellers and start-ups thinking or doing and how can you learn from them?
You are not alone
Just some chats I had last week:
- Mo from Kenya, she was happy with the post “God will help you to fight the Coronavirus”. A post I wrote on the 8th of this month inspired by her and some other women, Always good to hear somebody is happy!
- Tecla from Nairobi, she just contacted to check on me, how I and my family were doing, so nice!
- Rachel from Ghana is busy preparing her business plan. Next to her busy job as a midwife. Did you know many nurses and other people working in health care are also very interested in selling hair? Could be an interesting niche.
- Cyntia from Namibia, she is already selling hair with her business and wanted to expand. She did not want the Coronavirus to slow down her business, she wanted to help her growing number of clients. But now some weeks later the lock down in her country forced her to slow down, at least till the 5th of May
- Kevin from Central Kenya, contacted me some weeks ago to start selling hair. But this week he was so much in need for money to buy food for him and his family. He could not invest in setting up his own business anymore. I promised I will pray for him and will think hard on how to help him.
- Simone from North Caroline USA, is eager to start selling hair and beauty products. I already prepared her web store and
- Iphy from Nigeria, from Jannis Hair Line, who is talking to Simone about providing wigs. Check her web store, our design by the way, if you also need wigs! And of course
- Vivian, who is working hard with us on her web store Elizabeth Hair World with the most beautiful hair in Nigeria for every target group.
And you, what will you do>
So, again so many ideas. So much opportunities and so many possibilities to make your clients look and feel good and to make some nice money!
Do not wait until the competition has taken over your place on the hair market. Act now with a business plan, web store, wigs and building your network. And please, please do not forget to stay in touch with your clients and your community. Make sure your name will be heard, throughout the crisis.
And if you need somebody to listen to you, to support you and who loves to pray for you, let me know in a comment or by WhatsApp!
Jul 26, 2017 | South Africa
Import Hair- Pay Tax
If you import hair into South Africa you have to declare this import to Customs. And to inform them about what you imported and by what mean of transportation. This can be by Air, Sea, Road, Rail or Post.
What to tell Customs?
All over the world customs work with the Harmonized System (the Brussels Notes). This Harmonized System includes all goods traded between countries. For you two categories apply:
67.03 Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair or other textile materials, prepared for use in making wigs or the like, and
67.04 Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like, of human or animal hair or of textile materials; articles of human hair not elsewhere specified or included.
For more details see the site of South African Revenue Service (SARS).
Difference in code is important
This is important when you import human hair into South Africa. You do not have to pay customs duty when included in category 67.03. But you have to pay 20% customs duty if the hair falls under category 67.04. The first category is for “products prepared for use” in making wigs or the like. The latter (67.04) covers “complete” articles.
Darling Hair court case
In a court case a South African company stated the hair they imported, wefts, was subject to 67.03. Because of the fact at the time of import the hair wefts were not ready for consumption yet. A complex and time consuming set of treatments was needed for the end user before she could wear the hair.
The High Court of South Africa agreed with the point of view of the importing company. Thus reduced the import duties to zero. But the Supreme Court decided different. Because the hair wefts are themselves complete and can be used without being changed or processed in any way. This qualified import of human hair wefts into South Africa as category 67.04 with 20% import duties.
Pay Less Tax
There are options to pay less, if you are interested get our white paper with solutions leave a comment below this post
Jul 29, 2016 | Sell Online
I love my job, and you?
How often we are too busy to reach for happiness, and we forget to see the awesome things that happen right under our nose. It happened to me today, at the end of again a long, or should I say too long, week in the office, behind the phone and in front of the computer screen.
After dinner, on the couch with my, sometimes already big, sometime still little, son of eight years next to me busy building cities in Minecraft. I watched a documentary about the Yangtze river. A beautiful story about modern days China, with every now and then a peek into the past. Shanghai evolved in less then 30 years from a place where farmers were taking care of their cows, to a city that competes with New York. London or Hong Kong, at least with respect to the skyline, Suddenly I recall the talks and apps I had with Lydia this week and one of the reasons I love my job. Lydia is a very nice women from Juancheng in China. We had talks about smaller and bigger hair extensions suppliers, companies from Xuchang who aim to sell cheap hair at low prices and the best ways to build up trust in the relations with your customers. So a lot of business, but also with a personal touch because when we talked in her evening, her little daughter was giving me advice on the background. At least that is what I think, because my understanding of the Chinese language is still limited to the menu of the Chinese restaurant in my City.
My days are long, because I have clients and other contacts in nearly all the time zones of the world. In Ireland for example, where Einna is busy with the amazing launch of her hair and beauty business called SheBelle. She even went to travel to India to source her hair and it always very inspiring to talk to her. Too bad I am always too late to ask her a question, because she always knows before me what I want to ask her.
In the same time zone there is Africa. That’s a continent where I get more and more inquiries to start selling hair extensions from, mainly South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. It’s Kenya, where the last weeks the interest in starting a hair business is taking over from inquiries from Nigeria! What’s happening Nigeria? Talking about South Africa, this week I spoke to Yanga who is looking for used weaves. She has a very ambitious plan to help young girls in her area with the proceeds of her business. It really gives me a warm feeling to have talks with people with a mission, passion and ambition and … their hart on the right place. Yeah I love my job. And if you have used weave, do not keep them in your bag, but donate them to Yanga.
The reason my days are very long, or my nights very short, is because of the many contacts with women, sorry it’s true most entrepreneurs in this business are female, from the US. The big challenge of having phone calls, Skype calls, WhatsApp chats and emails in all these various time zones is to avoid you miss an appointment. Too often I mistake in the time of an appointment. It’s already hard for the various countries, but within the US it’s even more confusing for me with EST, CDT, etc.. Last Thursday, or still her Wednesday I spoke with Jenise from the BVI owner of Ain’t She Cute Wigs. At 2 o clock of my night this lady knew to catch my full attention with her dream of the future of her hair business on the island. It was only after we ended the call I realized my day had finished long time ago. Only one more call this time with Shavon from the USA and I called it a day. Again a day that was too short, but how lucky I am to be able to speak with so many people with dreams, plans, questions but all looking for support to make their business grow, again.
I love my job! And you? Let me know in a comment, at any time of the day 😉
You have a dream to launch your own hair store, or your hair sales are lacking behind expectations. What can you do? Give it all up and let others succeed? Wouldn’t it be great to talk for 10 minutes with somebody who not only understands the hair extensions business, but who can help you with advice too?
You are not alone, you can always call me, I have blocked some time in my calendar already. I am waiting for you! Call me, Stefan

Jul 17, 2015 | Get Help
Question: I hope this email finds you well.I am a lady based in South Africa in the cape town province looking forward to starting a hair extension business importing hair from China.In this week I will be receiving hair samples from the suppliers.I was kindly asking for advice on how i can best market and sell my hair .Thank you for promptly addressing my issue.I.will be looking forward to receiving your response.
Answer: Good to read you already bought the hair, I would advice to first perform a market survey, find out what your clients are looking for. Go to a place (mall, market, the town center), where your can find your target clients. Make sure you look great with your own hair and start to ask them: if they buy hair extensions, the type of hair, if they buy online or in salons, what they like in the service of other shops find out the name of the shops they like and what they do not like. We have a form that goes with our eBook with more questions. The goal is to find out what your potential clients like, so you can focus on that type of hair and for example the service and price level.
Before you order wholesale hair, check the shops analyse how they offer the hair and what you can do different, more in line with the needs of your target group.
Now you know who your target group is and where they normally go to buy hair, also on the internet, and build your marketing presence around this.
Make sure you collect the email address, and use an email program to start communicating with your potential clients, make sure they already start to get interested in your offer. By doing so, the day your shop will officially open it´s doors, you will have more clients then you could ever imagine!

Start Now Selling Hair Extensions