You are the only person to stop the Coronacrisis!
How hair resellers and beautystores can fight the Coronacrisis
You can stop the coronacrisis, why? Read how you can help to fight the Covid-19 crisis.
The last weeks, I receive:
– many comments under my blogposts,
– a lot of apps messages through WhatsApp and
– a pile of emails in my Mailbox
from girls and women who are afraid to wear the wigs they acquired. Or are to scared to even unpack the wigs they bought and received by courier.
Imagine, that is such a waste! To buy a wig or hair extensions and after you paid and waited for so long to get the hair. And when the wig arrives, you are too worried to open the package! Because you’re afraid you will get the Coronavirus!
Coronacrisis spoils our life!
Receiving your wig should be the happiest moment of the year! And for some weeks ago, it was! Youtube and TikTok are full of clips of girls jumping in the air because they received the parcel with the hair they bought! You still remember?
Somebody has to tell them, there is no reason to believe the hair will give somebody the virus. It’s better to feel and look good and to fight the virus then to be afraid for the wigs you bought. This fear for the Coronavirus has crippled our economy! People are afraid to buy hair or hair extensions or braids or wigs because they fear that they will get sick! There was even a nurse, Susan from the UK. Susan was fighting in the frontline protecting people who are sick with COVID-19. Because of the coronavirus she was is doubt about the risk of wearing a wig made of synthetic hair. A true hero, Susan is for me. It is so bad she was afraid wearing the hair would transfer the virus to one of her patients. That pains me.
That is so wrong, so wrong! I told her with the link to the website of the health organization in her country, she should not worry. People should not worry to open the package with your hair. You should not worry about your hair business.
Nobody else but you can get us out of the Coronacrisis!
There is only one person who can end the negative spiral to stop this and to make people buy hair again. And that person is …. You! Believe me, only you can stop others from not buying anymore because they are afraid of getting the sickness through the hair. Nobody else but you!
How? What should you do? Talk hair! Talk to your client, engage! Talk about the coronacrisis, talk about everything that is worrying her. Talk about the kids who are not getting the education they need. Talk about her parents that she needs to take care of, but she can not get close enough to hold them in her arms. Because she has to stay outside of the house! Talk about social distancing and how bad you feel when you automatically step backwards when people you trust come to near you. What world we live in?
Make your client feel at ease, no need to have an answer on every question. No need to be the doctor, or the head of state! But show you care about her, tell her you will pray for her and her loved one. Listen to her!
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No war has ever been won with bad hair, and we are not going to win from this virus if we neglect ourselves. This virus does not only make people physically sick, it also makes us feel down and depressed. And that is very bad too, because it will over time erode our immune system. When we are in lock down, when we are supposed to stay away from other people that makes us feel very bad. And do not forget all the worries, what about my job, what about my house, what about everything? You can only fight this part of the coronacrisis by looking and feeling good!
You are in the business of making people feel good, and to make them feel confident. You are not simply selling bundle deals. No, you are working on a much higher level than selling hair strands!
Women and girls selling hair extensions are in the frontline to get us all back into business! Why? Because you make us feel confident.
You can make and break people. Sell them the right hair they need. Sell them the wigs that make them strong enough to be:
– mother,
– newly promoted home teacher,
– lover and
awesome BFF! Empower women and get us all out of this coronacrisis!
And if you need somebody to listen to you, to support you and who loves to pray for you, let me know in a comment or by whatsapp!