Owe an online hair extensions business, that does not owe you!

Owe an online hair extensions business, that does not owe you!

You run an online hair extensions business, so you are your own boss, right? Question, how many hours a week does this business owe you? How long is your working week? Do you want to run a business, or do you want to be self-employed for the rest of your days?

You need to factor in all the time you work. Including answering emails on your smartphone, while waiting in the queue. Or the time at night you worry about the sales. This is all time that the online hair extensions business takes from you.

Do you still feel the passion for running your own online hair extensions business? Or does it feel like you are working for a boss again, like you are a slave of your business? Do you belong to the people who thought business owners have complete freedom? That business owners can decide when they work and when not? Now you are in business, does it still feel like that? Or is the hair business, dictating your calendar?


One simple question? When was the last time you did not work in the weekend? When was your last holiday that lasted longer than 2 days and felt like a holiday?

Do you feel your online hair extensions business has taken over control? If the answer is yes, you did not build a business but created a job with less days off than your previous job!

An online hair extensions business does not have to be a job.

In the beginning of your own hair business you must work long hours, that’s the bitter truth. Everything is coming your way and you should deal with everything. No freedom, no control, no day off. Fun, excitement, doubts and disappointments is filling this time.

After this stage, you will start to get your grip back on life. You will learn the tasks to perform and how to embed them in your business. But you will still have to work long hours, because you cannot delegate this to anybody else.

If you feel you are in control and you know what tasks you can delegate to others, or automatize, you will also get back your freedom. Now you are your own boss of your online hair extensions business. This hair business will operate also when you are not around.

Stop driving sales!

It seems odd but the best way to regain control and freedom is to stop being the machine that feeds your business. Stop driving for sales, all by yourselves. If you do not manage to halt being the only source for new business, you will never be able to scale your business.

You need to have a business that is generating value for your clients but also is ready to grow.

I mentioned it before, you get the best ideas when you can relax. Step away from day to day business. Is it clear WHY you want an online hair extensions business? It’s amazing how your brains will work for you if you imagine, what the goal is of all the effort you put in the business.

What would be in it for you, your loved ones and clients if your business was a machine build for growth? A hair business that was not consuming all your time?

Wrong ideas that keep you from your own online hair extensions business

What can hold you back from the big step to create a business that runs like a machine?

-The risk.

A real business might fail because a huge number of businesses do not make it their second or third year.

Okay, but that is because most of the business owners have:
no clear model, few skills, no mentors or advisors, and an inadequate support system.

In other words, it’s not the businesses that fail them. They fail their businesses because they don’t invest the time and energy in themselves as owners. They work hard, but they work hard at the wrong things. They work at the job of doing their business, not at their role as a business owner. It’s not about hard work, it’s about smart work!

Create a community around you of people that support you. Invest to strengthen your skills, this will reduce the risk you fail as a business owner.

– Too much time

You need to invest time to turn an idea into an online hair extensions business. But you need to create a hair business, not become self-employed. This means you should build a business that will function well without you. With every step you take, think on how it can be done without you. This is the great thing of an online business; many operations are constructed you do not even have to be there! Like an automated shopping cart on your website, or payment module.

– How to stay in control of all this?

Stop to think you need to be in control of every detail of your online hair extensions business. Instead, learn to build your business with the systems, team, controls, and scalable solutions in place that enable it to operate independent of your autocratic control. The more you build for personal control, the more you’re trapped into being there daily to exercise that control and to run your business. If all decisions and key actions must come back through you, then you become the single greatest bottleneck inside your own business.

– I do not have the money

Again, an online hair extensions business has many advantages, you can not only automate many tasks, you do not need too much money to start. Many business started with a capital of $ 10,000 or less. Focus on your expenses and see how you can create a community of business owners where every business owner helps each other with the tools and expertise in house. Or what about crowd funding?

Ready to start?

Are you ready to grown your online hair business? Check the Business Package now!

Grow Your Online Hair Business

Grow Your Online Hair Business

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The great thing of the internet is you can start an online hair business any time you want. Regardless your budget, you can start with $ 0.01 or much more. The bad thing of the internet is many others do start their online hair business too. There are 3 key points to make your online hair store grow faster regardless the number of competing hair stores.

How to Expand Sales and go for growth

First forget about the traffic, it is nice to focus on the number of people who come to visit your website. But do not forget you only make money when people convert into a client! If they convert from a visitor checking on your site to people who buy your hair!

Read about the strategy to grow your online hair business.

Only give attention to the outperformers!

Start to analyze the drivers behind your new leads. Anybody that landed on your online store started somewhere. Find out what channel is the number one channel for these leads. Did they find your hair brand via Facebook or thanks to an organic keyword search on Google?

Google Analytics will show you what the most successful generators of leads are. But it also tells the channels that generate the lowest number of leads. For example, ou do not get leads through to Twitter? No need to ignore this channel, put an automatic responder. Thank people who follow you or retweeted you. But limit the time spend on this channel.

I know people who spent hours in social media, only because somebody told they must. But if nobody reacts, why continue?
Better to invest your precious time in the channels that do generate valuable leads to your online hair business.

Set up an organized way to improve the flow through this channel, every single day. Examine this channel and experiment for further grow. If it is organic search on Google, check the keywords and write more content about these topics. Engage with your ideal client about the topics she like..If it’s direct traffic, experiment to comment on more beauty and hair blogs and leave your name and brand.

Everything that gets the attention will grow. Especially if it already has the magic to be attractive for your ideal clients.

The great thing is, this strategy will save you time, energy and money. Now you can focus on those drivers that generate growth for your online hair business.

Cash is king

I am sorry ladies, but it’s still true. The Queen likes shopping, but Cash is King. Track your cash flow. How much cash is going in and leaving your business? Improve the cashflow, by reducing operational expenses and increasing cash at hand by less receivables.

This strategy will free cash you can use to invest in business opportunities. Now you can buy that very attractive offer that comes only once on the market or invest in a new outlet.

Never sit still

The competition always checks on you! Like you should too. They steal your ideas and if possible, your clients. Too bad your clients will not mind if the offer from the competitor is better. To protect and grow your business you need to innovate. When? Always!

Every day, check where you can improve your operations. Did you get an email from a client with difficulties purchasing your hair due to the online payment system? Thank her and give her a discount on her next purchase of hair. She gave you valuable information to make more money in the future. Fix the problem and make sure it will never happen again. At United Airlines, the CEO has learned his lesson too.


  • look at new ways to reduce inefficiencies,
  • to improve the way to connect with your customers or
  • new ways to add value to your client lives.

Make sure today is a better day than yesterday! You want to go for growth too?

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Frustrated about your Hair Extensions Webstore, start selling!

Frustrated about your Hair Extensions Webstore, start selling!

Frustrated about your Hair Extensions Webstore, start selling!

I told you before, 2017 is going to be the year of Hair Extensions Stores! Join now, or keep dreaming for ever. And buy hair from others, instead of making money with hair.

Lately I can hardly keep up answering all the mails from highly motivated people.  I receive direct messages on Twitter and Facebook from people who want to start selling hair.

Now I also get more and more requests to design a hair extensions webstore. 2017 is two weeks old and already booming for the hair business. Tighten your seatbelts!

You dream about website design, join GirlsWhoCode

I already shared multiple times, how to find a hair supplier. This time, this post is all about a Hair Extensions Webstore. If you want to start selling hair, online. You need an awesome looking and user friendly hair website.

If you are in the hair business, you have the passion for hair and to make clients feel confident. Most likely you are not in this business to waste a lot of time and money on your hair extensions webstore. I can tell you, if you wake up in the middle of the night, mumbling about your website you are in the wrong business. Better to join GirlsWhoCode.

If you want to sell hair successfully, better to focus on the fun part. Engage with your clients and talk hair. Sell them the best hair available. Have conversations with hair suppliers to find the best hair. Talk to your clients, find the hair they need and sell. That’s what you should be doing. All day long! Count your sales and profit at the end of the day. Not your unsold inventory because you were busy fixing problems with your hair extensions webstore.

If you want to go online with your hair store, let me know. I will help you. It all starts with finding the best name for your brand. Register the domain. Followed by an inspiring session to discuss how you want your online hair extensions website must look like.  I build your website and we use social media and life events to start selling as of day one.

Let me know if you are in the hair business to be selling! If you want your own website, leave a comment and I contact you to make it all work. 

You Still don’t Make Money with Your Passion for Hair? Why not, Others do!

You Still don’t Make Money with Your Passion for Hair? Why not, Others do!

“I have passion for hair, but no cash to start selling!”

It pains me, every time when I read this sentence or hear this cry for help.  Yeah, I have seen all three parts of the Nollywood bestseller A Cry for Help with Nkiru Silvanus.

It pains me. Not only because I am not Santa Claus. Also because I see enough women who manage to make money without selling hair. You too can make money with your passion for hair! You only need to have passion! And this I can tell by experience most of you have plenty!

The art, because that is what story telling is, is to inspire people. Make the creative part of their brains work. If you know how to tell stories to your kids and they keep on staring at you with their big eyes. If you know how to calm down your ten cousins when they are together breaking down the house. You now how to keep the attention of your audience and to inspire them with your passion for hair.

How does it work?

Out there are many women looking for answers. They all want to look good. They want to buy a wig, or hair extensions for the first time or they want to go natural and need a protective hair style. They have plenty of questions but not all the answers.

And there you come in, you have tons of ideas. You have the passion to find the answer on any question you never heard before.

All you need is to combine this, the questions of your audience and the answers you got.

Start a hair blog

Okay, it would be great if your sugar daddy gave you a off the rack hair store. But still you would not sell anything because you need people who trust you.  People who believe in the quality of the hair you sell.

An awesome way to build that trust between you and your audience is to start a hair blog. On the hair blog, or beauty blog you can help people. You will be able to create a community. A community of loyal followers.

Start with a content campaign. Define, based upon the needs of your audience, one or two topics. For example, how to buy hair extensions. The next step is to decide what the single items are that are relevant to discuss about the topic “How to Buy Hair Extensions”.

Suppose you have different items, like buy online, how to test the hair and maintenance. Now you can start to prepare the blog posts for each of these items. The next step is to plan when you want to publish the posts and ready you are!

Make money with your blog

Okay, nice people who follow, but why would you invest all the time and effort in a hair blog. One, because it will give you a network of future clients. Once you are ready to sell hair, you already have a big community of potential buyers. But two, you can monetarize your hair blog. You can start to sell advertisement space. AdSense for example from google, allows you to earn money with your blog.

All you need to do is to sign up for an AdSense account and to activate the advertisements. AdSense will place advertisements based upon the visitor’s needs. So, if you have a hair blog, you will see advertisements about hair on your blog. This is a great method to support your ideal readers even better.  Every time when they visit your blog, the can not only read your blog, but they can also find relevant stores. For every click or view you can earn money. You have happy readers of your blog and you can start to save money for your next adventure the hair store.

Do You want to start making money with passion for hair

Ready to start earning money with your passion, start a hair blog now and claim your hair blog name in the widget below.

Claim your domain and start a blog today! Making cash in a legal way was never this easy!


Why does your hair extensions website drives visitors away?

Why does your hair extensions website drives visitors away?

Why does your hair extensions website drives visitors away?

I still can’t believe why people with so much passion for beauty create hair extensions websites that drives away visitors. You might think a hair extensions seller will cherish every visitor. Even stronger, every hair extensions website owner should invest in loyal visitors.

The last 5 years I have seen over 2,000 hair extensions sites in many different designs. Websites from Bigcartel or Wix, but also own designs. Some websites really outperform, but too bad there are also a big number of websites that under perform. Websites with more potential to attract en keep visitors.

Because a hair extensions website that under performs to attract new visitors or keeping visitors returning, has much in common with other sites. I started to keep a small list. This list you can get as a handy cheat sheet when you design or re design your website.

It’s a free overview for you with my main observations, from rather obvious like the names of the pictures you publish on your site to shop owners who prefer to stay anonymous.

Fill in the form and get the Download now, it’ s free!

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