Stop trying to sell hair when you have the wrong mindset
Every day I talk and chat with girls, women and some boys who want to start selling hair. “I want to start selling hair” is their opening line. Often this is the only motivation. Too bad, because 8 out of 10 of them will fail to make their dream come true, they will keep on trying to sell hair. They are not able to sell enough hair to earn back the stock they bought. Why? Because they have the wrong mindset. In this post I will tell you how to get the right mindset and how to start selling at a nice margin too.
Follow your dream, so bad so sad.
The inspiration to start selling hair, most often comes from the desire to buy gorgeous hair. I can tell this after talking to hundreds of women. Nearly always after the sentence: “I want to start selling hair” the second sentence is “ where do I find suppliers? ”.
If this is the case for you too, you skip one important step. A step of the highest importance. You will fail to ever sell one weft of hair, if you skip this step. If your goal is to start selling hair, you first need somebody who wants to buy your hair. No buyer, no deal. Somebody willing to give you the money she earned by working hard. She will only hand over her money, if you give her value in return. And she, not you, is the judge who decides if the value you have to offer, justifies the money she is going to sacrifice.
Too bad, many girls only focus on the supplier of the hair. My intention always has been to make them change their mindset. But again, too bad rather often they are only interested in finding a supplier.
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Solve somebodies’ bad hair day
You give me hope, because you are still reading this post. This means you have another mindset. Or even better you are prepared to consider changing your mindset, because you want to sell hair.
Think of this. Under what conditions are you willing to give your money to a store owner? When will you pay the price they ask? Only when you are sure they understand your need, or your problem. Or not? This is the same for your ideal client. She will buy from you, but only when she feels you understand her needs. If you manage to convince her you have the ideal solution for her needs, she will buy your hair.
So, the second line after, “I want to start selling hair” should be:
– because I see a lot of girls on my campus in need of a reliable hair supplier, or
– at the hospital, I see a lot of women who suffer hair loss but cannot find a wig supplier who understand their specific needs, or
– …. Any other problem they share.
If you can listen to your ideal clients and bring them the solution, they need you will start selling hair. You will no longer keep on trying to sell hair, but actually start selling.
At a very nice margin too. Because people only negotiate the price of the hair down if they feel the value of the solution (I.e. the hair extensions) does not follow their needs. Because you have been listening and searching for a solution of their problem, they are prepared to pay the price you charge. Because they trust you are acting in their interest.
Congratulations, you are ready to start selling hair
Now you know the problems your ideal clients are facing; you are ready to help the with the right hair. No longer only trying to sell hair. And this knowledge of their needs will help you to ask the hair suppliers the right question. And to get from them exactly the hair your clients want.
Share with me in the comments below, is it difficult for you to listen first, before you look for a hair supplier?