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Make More Profit, Selling Hair Abroad as Chinese Hair Supplier

Why Hi Friend kills the deal!
为什么朋友,你好的开头 让交易泡汤?

Every week a store selling hair in the United Kingdom receives at least 10 emails from Chinese Hair Suppliers. All the emails come from people and companies they never heard of before. Most of these mails start with “Hi Friend”! The hair store need another hair supplier and they prefer Chinese Hair. But the reader considers the tone of theses mails as unappropriated. A clear lack of understanding of the western culture. Many perceive to call them your friend at the first contact as unpleasant. You can offer the best hair at the best price, but you will never be able selling hair to somebody you offended.


Another true-life story
Sheila, a hair reseller based in Atlanta, needs a high-quality hair supplier. Sheila searches the internet for hair suppliers. She finds a Chinese company, let’s say Beijing Hair with the hair she is looking for. A perfect match, she loves selling hair from this company. She mails the company, to experience the communication skills. And to get more insight in how this new company operates. In return she receives an email written in poor English and not answering her questions at all. The Chinese company is only interested in the lengths and texture of the hair she needs. It is clear they only want her to place the order. They only want selling hair. Nothing that refers to her questions, nothing that shows interest in her position. Now Sheila is disappointed and frustrated. She decides to look for again another supplier and to forget this hair supplier.


Shelia ,来自亚特兰大的假发代理商,需要高质量的头发供应商。Shelia 在网上寻找头发供应商。她找到了一个中国公司,比方说北京假发公司有shelia 要找的假发,她想卖这家的假发。她发邮件到这家公司,想体验业务的交流技巧,并且从交流中能了解这家新的供应商是怎么运作的。反过来她收到的是很蹩脚的书面英文邮件并且完全没有回答她的问题。这家公司只对她要的假发长度和曲度感兴趣,非常明显只想让她下单,并没有站在她的立场上去考虑,此刻sheila 很失望。他决定重新再找另外一家供应商忘掉之前的假发供应商

Two examples you can learn from to do better than the competition and to make more money selling hair.
Price opportunity selling hair abroad 卖假发到国外价格优势
In the United States and Europa women pay 3 to 5 times the wholesale price for a bundle of hair. All they want is to trust the source of the hair before they buy. If you want to get your fair share of the market and to make more profit, all you need to do is to invest in trust. You will see the impact in your higher sales!
美国和欧洲的女士需要付3-5 倍的批发价格买1条假发,在她们购买之前需要对头发的来源信任,如果你想得到公平的假发市场份额和赚更多的利润,你所需要做的就是投资信任。并且你可以看到更多销售的影响。
Selling hair outside China thanks to our experience 多亏了我们的经验卖假发到国外

Over 5 years HowToSellHairExtensions is supporting businesses in the hair industry. We have a free Blog, different Business Plans and Coaching, website design and many more services. Our clients operate in the United States, Europe, Africa and China. We work in a multi-cultural business environment and understand and communicate in many languages. This opens doors to hair resellers and stylists in all continents and many countries.
HowToSellHairExtensions 致力于假发产业5年多,我们有免费的博客,不同的商业计划指导,网站设计和其他的服务。我们的顾客遍布美国,欧洲,非洲,中国。我们处在多文化的商务环境并且能用多种语言交流,这就为各大洲和各个国家的假发中间上和发型师提供了平台

The western style of marketing and website design is to connect with your clients. Share information on website and social media, educate your client. A well-informed client appreciates your services. Now this client is willing to buy from you, because they trust you. They feel you are client focused.

Successful wholesale suppliers increase their profit by investing in a relationship with their clients. Difficult to know what is the interest of your clients in Europe or the United States? We understand the culture and needs of your clients. We support them to start and grow their hair business and to find good quality hair. We write the content your target audience searches on the internet. Write all your sales and marketing communication to enchant your target audience. Do not annoy them. Use Content Marketing to publish content about the content your ideal client is interested in at the time they are interested!
成功的供应商会通过投资建立起和客户的良好互动,很难知道欧美客户对什么感兴趣? 我们了解客户的文化和需求。我们为他们的业务起步和发展提供支持,并且提供支持帮他们找供应商。我们会写你的目标客户的内容,写销售和营销交流来吸引你的目标客户是,并且不会让他们觉得不舒服或者不合适。利用内容营销来发布你理想的客户感兴趣的帖子来吸引客户

Connect with potential buyers in the stage before they are ready to buy but only need information. Start to build confidence long before the competition even knows about the client. Your potential client will find you and your product offering again when they are ready to buy. Because you have built a good relationship already and you are a trusted supplier. Your sales will be more successful than the competition.
Make more money month after month
Do you want to make more money? Month after month with your client in the centre. Contact me and we can work out a marketing plan to boost your sales.

你希望数月之后赚更多的利润吗? 几个月之后以你的客户为中心,赶紧联系我们,我们会为你量身定制营销计划来提高你的销量

You get new clients if you keep Instagram private?

After the call with you, I like to visit your Instagram account. I want to see those pictures and to like them and share them. But then, you block me, you only give access to a limited number of visitors. Your account is private.

Lace Closure at special wholesale prices for you

A lace closure is a not to miss product when selling Hair Extensions. Read all about the type of lace closures our wholesale suppliers have in stock, ready to sell to your clients. Lace Closure A Lace Closure is a hair part, with hair tied to a piece of lace. If your...

Why Email Marketing is cheap and effective?

No matter if you sell only online or in combination with a salon, email marketing can help you grow your audience and convert prospects into loyal customers – at a fraction of the cost of most other marketing channels. You can build relationships and brand...
7 painkillers if the struggles of selling hair extensions give you stress

7 painkillers if the struggles of selling hair extensions give you stress

7 painkillers if the struggles of selling hair extensions give you stress


Black Friday was record breaking, online sales boosted and many shops predict big earnings. Great news, but what if the carts of your online store remained empty? What if for the last weeks or perhaps even months your sales lack behind? What if the stress wins from the passion? Should you give up if the struggles of selling hair extensions are too much, or continue to make you dream come true?


When stress kills the passion

When you started to make your dream, your idea to have your own hair extensions store, you felt the energy floating through your body. You woke up in the middle of the night and quickly wrote down another great idea to beat the competition. You remember the day you told your parents? “Dad, Mum I will become a shop owner, I am going to sell hair extensions! “You will never forget the look in their eyes.


But now, when sales lack behind, when the last time you bought new inventory is long time ago and when you see your friends starting selling hair extensions and do not buy from you anymore. The stress is killing the passion. The struggles of selling hair extensions are simply too much.


I recommend you, do not give up, but start the fight! You had an awesome idea to change the beauty and hair industry for ever, you had the solution to make other women or men boost their confidence. You had a dream and you believed in it, let nobody take it away from you! I found 7 painkillers to get your passion back again, when the struggles of selling hair extensions try to demotivate you!


1 Work that body

Hair extensions are all about the head, so make sure your head is fit, I mean make sure your brains are at top condition and able to deal with the struggle you face.


You can’t massage you brains, and I do not even want to think of that, but you can give your brains a boost if you do some exercise. Go to Gym, set up a schedule to do some work outs before you start your day. Make it your number one priority!


If you want to boost the effect of your work outs, set up a training schedule and try to beat yesterday’s performance. It’s unbelievable how beating yourself boosts your confidence. Start the competition and be the winner!


2 Understand what is causing the stress


Selling hair extensions is not a single task, it’s a combination of different responsibilities. You need to:

  •  have a good hair supplier,
  •  be able to connect with your clients,
  •  get enough people interested to visit your website,
  •  have a smooth payment and logistic process.

The first step is to identify what’s not working well. If you understand the cause of your lack of sales, or the lack of visitors you can focus on this. If you feel there are multiple reasons, focus on the most important one and deal with the other later.


This will be the issue you deal with after you finished today’s work out. Direct all energy on this topic and analyse exactly where it goes wrong. Fragment the issue into smaller steps, for example. Sales is the outcome of A the product, the hair extensions you offer and B the number of clients you have.


Now take it one step deeper, your hair extensions have a price component and a quality component. Analyse how your prices compare with the competition, and what about the quality? If people visit your website, do they see reviews, are your pictures original and showing the beauty of the hair.


Breakdown every step into two and investigate how you perform and what the problem might be and come with a strategy to improve.


By doing this you start to take control again, you are going to be master of the process again and this will give you energy again, Energy you need to get great ideas again to improve your sales! Now you will no longer wake up out of a nightmare, but with great ideas again to lift your passion!


3 Reach out to others


People are social animals, we need others to share our ideas with, to feel better and to get support from. Instead of locking yourself up in your house, you need to reach out to others. Talk to your hair stylist, join a group of young entrepreneurs in your community, start a blog to reach out to people in your target group, and do not forget social media. Be social, be interested in what struggles others people face with and feel the energy again.


Don’t you feel great if somebody knocks on your door for help and you can help that person? The boost of confidence if you see how another person who was sad before walks up straight again and leaves your house with a smile?  I can tell you, this is a universal feeling, so why don’t you knock on the door of other people? Share your concerns and struggle and hear new ideas, new visions and other means of support. Perhaps they know somebody in need of good hair, or they have an uncle who is a re-tired marketing expert with time to help young entrepreneurs.



4 Don’t forget the most important person on earth!


Okay, you will only be happy if the sales goes up and the money pours in, but do not forget the most important person on earth, next to your clients and that’s you.


Take quality time, visit an exhibition, go to a concert, take time to paint or for any other creative activity that has nothing to do with your business.


Block time in your calendar and do not allow yourself to come with an excuse to work instead of having quality time. You do not only need it, you deserve it!


5 Challenge yourself


At school, you practiced for some new subjects, in the beginning you just did not get it, but every time when you understood the subject better, it was fun. When you passed the test with a high grade, you felt master of the universe. Or when you learned how to drive a car. So many things to think of in the beginning, the car, the people outside the car, the traffic rules, so many things and all moving at the same time. How will you ever learn? But you did and with every next class you improved.


Pick up a course or training, the structure will help you to amaze yourself about how smart you are and you will learn new skills that will make you improve in selling hair. You can even study online, for example Search Optimization for Beginners to get 1,000 visitors a day to your website to get a general idea about online marketing, or learn how to make drawing or any other craft if you prefer a hobby to relax more.


6 Do somebody a favour every day


You already read that helping others gives a good feeling, so it will not hurt you if you make it a recurrent task to help others. You can try voluntary work in your local community. If you lack the time, because now you must start to do gym, go out more, analyse your struggles and follow a training, try do somebody a favour every day. This can be a small thing, that puts a smile on the face of another person. And please do accept the thank you instead of waving it away. You earned it and it will make you feel good again.


7 Control your tasks


There are many things you should do on a day, but the smarter you work the better it goes. I used to work with CNN on the background and the kids walking my room in and out with important issues like what TV channel to choose or if they could have a small bite before dinner.


Now I lock myself in my room to focus on my tasks and, I prioritize the tasks in four categories:

  1. Those who bring in the money
  2. Urgent and important like handling a crisis or deadline
  3. Answering mail and phone calls
  4. Drinking coffee or social talk

In the morning when I am still fit, I focus on the first group and if time is left I handle the lower categories.

Are you also 5 people in one, go for time management

And remember, please always look for the bright side of life


“I mean, what have you got to lose?
you know, you come from nothing
you’re going back to nothing
what have you lost? Nothing!

Always look on the bright side of life”


From the Monty Python Movie life of Brian


To end this post, I want you to know I believe in you, so why won’t you? Feel free to leave a comment on how you face the struggles on selling hair extensions or schedule a call to talk!


how to start selling hair as cosmetology student

how to start selling hair as cosmetology student

Home 9 Tag: Hair Extensions ( Page 7 )

How much does cosmetology student make selling hair

Eaen back your cosmetology course by selling hair

How to become a successful cosmetologist

As cosmetology student, it’s a great opportunity to know how to start selling hair. It helps you not only to rocket your business into success after you passed the exam. It also helps you to finance your study. You will learn the commercial part of being a successful cosmetologist, as of day one!

In this post, you can read how to start selling hair as cosmetology student.

First some background information about the requirement to have your cosmetology license, followed by tips on how to start selling hair.

A cosmetologist can make clients feel great again!

A cosmetologist has the most beautiful job on earth, you help your customer to look and feel great again by updating their physical appearance. You can do so by focusing on cutting, coloring, or styling hair, but you can also specialize in skincare or nails.

Because this is of course a very sensitive treatment, cosmetologists in the United States are required to complete training at a certified cosmetology school. Every state has different requirements, so be sure to check the local requirements before you start.

In most cases, there are age restrictions and if you participate in the program, you must complete a set number of training hours during cosmetology school.

Be prepared to do written or practical tests for the licensing exam. Think off questions about chemical usage, hair styling techniques but also state law. Practical tests involve applicants to follow directions to style a model.

If you passed the exam, you must renew it by periodically paying a fee and to fill some paperwork.

How to pay for your cosmetology course?

There are different prices for a training as licensed cosmetologist, but you should at least invest a couple of thousand dollars in the training of this beautiful job before you can start. This brings me to the question, how to pay for this? How about, by selling hair, and self-made wigs?

How to start selling hair as cosmetology student

A great and natural way to finance your study is to start selling hair extensions as cosmetology student. This is a double-edged sword, because it pays for the fee, and you start to build your clientele before you are launching your own full fledge hair business.

Be prepared and always have a business card with you to share with potential clients, models you must style, or even your teacher. Be original and do not exaggerate about your business. You are a cosmetology student, so put this on your card. Many customers appreciate if you show want to achieve something in life. Use this in your advantage.

Go online as cosmetologist!

Of course, you have a Facebook, Instagram or TikTok account to share your victories. The people you already gave a complete make over. Avoid using pictures you picked from the internet, it works much better with selfies and before and after pictures of your own clients. Better a small number of pictures of your own achievements. Do not put the over-exposed and borrowed pictures of others big names.

You can now also start to build your name with a website to show your portfolio and professionalism to potential salons or business you want to work. Nothing wrong to be experienced in the field before you start to become your own boss. If you need help to find a name and a reliable hosting company, check the page about finding hair and beauty company names.

When you need a stable and easy to design store, think about a Shopify store. This store is used by many before you and keeps their ecommerce features up to date.

Would You Like to Make $ 30.000/month for Only $ 29/month?

Now you need hair to finance your cosmetology course!

When you just paid for your cosmetology course, you might find it difficult to buy hair. Especially when you do not have regular clients yet. A solution can be, drop shipping. This allows you to offer the most beautiful hair, without investing one cent in inventory. Ideal to earn the money to start paying of your student loan!

Contact me when you want to start drop shipping,

How much is needed for a hair business

How much is needed for a hair business

How much is needed for a hair business

You earn money with money. First you must invest time and money in your hair business before you can start to get sales. For that reason, I receive questions by email or social media, asking How much is needed for a hair business.

The answer is, I do not know!

Wait before you click a way to another website, what I want to say is, it depends on what you want to achieve!

What do you need to know first

To answer the question how much is needed for a hair business you should take a few things into consideration.

  1. What kind of hair business do you want to start?
  2. Do you want to grow by great content or to market your hair business?
  3. Do you want to start selling wholesale or retail?
  4. What is your inventory strategy, do you need a lot of inventory or not?
  5. Do you want a store or only online presence?


As you see, it all depends on the plan you should have to start a hair business.  Of course, we all know the success stories from big firms or hair brands who started with selling hair out of the trunk of their car. With USD 2000 you can start an imperium, but it also involves a lot of work and luck.

Your plan on one page

My recommendation to people who ask me how much is needed for a hair business is to start with their business plan. No need to complete a 50 pages detailed plan to know how much you need, but start with a one pager that describes what is your mission, when you want to be break even, how you will be different and how you are going to connect with your ideal client.

You can keep it at low cost, using free hair samples, social media and the templates I offer, or If you have access to enough cash you can invest in a nice website combined with a salon.

Let me know how you want to your store to be different and I can tell you how much is needed for a hair business


Hair Extensions in Sweden with a flavour of Kenya

Hair Extensions in Sweden with a flavour of Kenya

Hair Extensions in Sweden with a flavour of Kenya

I am always nervous the first time I visit a web store. Today I visited the brand new crispy fresh website of Shirley, GlossyLicious. A store that offers Hair Extensions in Sweden

Why I am nervous? I always look forward to get surprised to visit a website that is different from the others and that will invite visitors not only to come back, but also to buy some great products. Sometimes a website disappoints, and sometimes they make my heart beat faster.

I clicked the link, Shirley shared the link by WhatsApp, and a beautiful girl with gorgeous hair looked me straight into the eyes. It was like she told me to come further, and difficult for me to resist beautiful eyes, I decided to visit every single page of this website.


About Hair Extensions in Sweden

My first page was the About Us Page, because I know people prefer to know who is selling the hair, before they buy. GlossyLicious is making a promise, they help you to find the new you, to recapture your life. For me this means they want to connect with you as a client so they can make you look and feel good.

Hair Extensions in Sweden

There is no information yet about the women who founded this company, I hope to read more about her soon.

The before and after page

I love to see before and after pictures, a great way to show how the treatment and the products can change a person into a gorgeous looking lady. GlossyLicious showed with the pictures also she builds a bridge between the blond Swedish culture and Kenya. Very nice to see, women of different color.

There is room for many more before and after pictures, I will certainly come back to see more pics.

Hair Extensions

What kind of Hair Extensions you can buy in Sweden? I see Indian hair, Burmese and Vietnamese hair, including closures, accessories and even hair products.  A very wide variety of hair extensions, wigs and closures.


I did not leave this website before I signed up for the newsletter, I look forward to receive the latest news about GlossyLicious in my inbox. I wish Shirley, her visitors and clients the best with this beautiful website and nice looking hair!