A Hair Extensions Party a great way to make money!

A Hair Extensions Party a great way to make money!

Hair Extensions Party

A hair extensions party is the best of both worlds and yet too little people know how to use it. There is no other way to bring potential clients together and to learn about their needs. And to make money too! Femi from Kenya inspired me to add some more information in the post. Thanks Femi!

Please watch the video about how to organize the Hair Party and read further to learn what a hair party can bring you and your clients!

A Party to start a network of Hair Extensions lovers

With a Hair Extensions Party, you can start building your network of hair lovers, women and girls who will always be interested to hear from you when you have new hair. They will know who to turn to first if they have a hair need. They know you; they know you care, and they know you understands their hair needs. Plus, it’s for everybody a great occasion to meet new friends.

The best school full of fun

What I like most of a hair extensions party is you can hear what your visitors like and do not like, right on the spot. If they do not like the texture, you can ask more questions. Their answers will educate you about your client’s hair needs. This information is a true treasure. I recommend you make clear notes of the conversations and do not forget to promise them to get back with your answers on all their questions. When you have a website or store you can use the insight to create the frequently asked questions page.
You can also use this gathering to educate the visitors about hair. The kind of hair, misunderstandings about hair grades and origin and much more. Please do not forget to tell about maintenance. This is very important to guarantee happy customers.

Make Money with a Hair Extensions Party

Okay, you need to invest time and some money to a party started. But the great thing about this hair party is, you can also make money. Make sure you have some hair at hand you use to demonstrate the quality, volume and silkiness. But you also need to have hair you can use to sell. This is the fastest way you made money on a party ever.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGLYJLGAikE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Create memories and returning clients

Wrap the hair using an envelope with your brand name, or at least add your business card in the package. Write a small note at the back that will remind the client about the party. This card will become a souvenir that will keep her remember the party and the hair she bought from you. Once the party is at steam and people feel relaxed and started to feel and check the hair, that is the moment you ask them if it’s okay to take some pictures. These pictures you can put on social media and website.

You do not have a website yet? But you want to know how that will work? Just open a Shopify hair website before your next hair extensions party. Shopify has a free trial offer for a professional webstore and I can help you building the store. Add the images of the first hair party plus the frequently asked questions on the store and show the webstore at the hair extensions party. This will increase the party mood! And with a better party mood, your sales will be awesome too!

Good luck, leave a comment under the video to tell me about your party .

I wish to sell hair extensions.

I wish to sell hair extensions.

I wish to sell hair extensions

Dintle contacted me with her wish, she mailed me:” I wish to sell hair extensions”. For me that is a good start. Dintle had a desire, she was motivated and that is always good for an entrepreneur.
Her mail ended with “Are you able to supply, and what can you supply?”. This did not feel good! Let me explain why and what the next step will be.

I wish to sell hair extensions

Again, this was a great start, you start with what you want to achieve. Selling Hair Extensions! This line is a great opening for an elevator pitch. In one sentence you make clear what your ambition is, no doubt about what you want.

Are you able to supply, and what can you supply?

Let me start to tell you, I can supply. I have info-products like eBooks, Templates and other documentation to guide hair sellers. I have time to share with you as business mentor and I can supply hair. Direct or thanks to hair wholesale suppliers.

But does this answer your question? My answer is generic, and it will not help you at all. But it is the only answer I can give, because I do not know what you need!

Let me help you to rephrase the question.

The wish to sell hair needs a follow up

It all started with the well-formed opening line “I wish to sell hair extensions”. But there was no follow up.
Envision a new client walks into your store and she tells you “my wish is to buy hair extensions”. This will make you excited and delighted. The same as I was after reading the message from Dintle. Because that is why you started this business. You want people to tell you they want to buy Hair Extensions, right?
But, will the talk be over now, and you will deliver 3 bundles of hair and the client will pay? No, now the talk about hair will only start. You want to understand exactly what your client is looking for. Only if you understand her needs, you will be able to turn around and reach out for the shelf with the finest hair extensions in your store. Exactly the extensions she wishes, or if not available today, your best alternative.
You will only be able to provide the hair your client wants, if you are prepared for her question “I wish to buy hair extensions”.

The secret to return home wealthy

If you want to sell your hair to every person that enters your store, or every visitor of your webstore, you need to listen. You need to make it a habit to go to the places your potential clients like to visit. Study them, chat with them about what is keeping them happy and what are their struggles. Talk about hair and find out what makes them pleased or unhappy about their current hair supplier.
Make notes and write down not only what they are saying, but also how. What kind of words they are using to say what they are looking for? But also, the words they use when they explain what makes them annoyed about hair and hair stores.
Only when every page of your notebook is full you may return home. Or so much sooner when you have a good understanding what the women in your town like and do not like. I can tell you, when you get home, you are much wealthier than when you left home in the morning.
Your notebook is full of secrets from your potential clients that will buy from you. All you need to do is to highlight in the notebook the observations about “I wish or the I hate”. What do they want or wish when buying hair or after they got the hair? What do they not like or even hate when they have bought hair or when they are in a hair or beauty store?

And when I say you return home wealthy; I mean rich because with this information you can do miracles and you will make a lot of money.

How to Sell hair to Every Visitor of your Store

Your notebook is the secret of your success. Thanks to the time you took to listen to these women and the effort you take to understand their needs; you will triumph. Your will be able to buy the finest hair your client can wish for. You will always be able to join her in the conversation when she tells you she wishes to buy hair extensions. Because you knew already in advance what she was looking for.
You can tell the world you are selling hair using the right words and the appropriate marketing channels. Because you know what kind of words your clients use when she talks about the hair she wants. You can use this similar kind of language in your marketing and advertisement messages.
Because you know what she does not like, you can avoid these words or use this experience to give a service that is free of anything that makes her feel uncomfortable. You are always one step ahead of the competition.
To help you to understand the needs of your clients and to communicate more better, I advise using an Ideal Client template. This helps you to create a buyer Persona, a person that will always buy your hair.
Use the Ideal Client templates in the all-in-one hair extensions package, with or without samples with the Ideal Hair Client. A template that comes for free as part of the all-in-one hair extensions package. All the support you need to start your hair business.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zQW_OfoOWEo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Are you able to supply?

Indeed, now you can offer your client the hair and hair care she needs. Now you can go to the wholesale supplier with the type of hair you will always sell. You will no longer run the risk to have hair at hand nobody wants to buy. You know what your clients want, and you can tell me what you need.

Can I help?

And yes, I am happy you told me you wish to sell hair extensions, I look forward to help you! Leave a comment if you need me to help you!

Find Capital to Start Hair Store in Kenya

Find Capital to Start Hair Store in Kenya

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Find Capital to Start Hair Store in Kenya

On Friday the 13th, Joy from Kenya contacted me by WhatsApp. Joy wanted to start supplying Braids in her county in Kenya. She wanted to know how to find capital to start a hair store. Joy had great ideas to start selling, but very often the prices from the suppliers were too high. It was difficult to make a profit, unless she could buy a larger volume of wholesale hair.

Last Friday, Joy contacted me again. I made the promise to myself and now to you, to do some research on how to find capital to start a hair store in Kenya. In the various chats I have with women in Kenya, many times I hear to find the money to start a business is very difficult. Too bad so many great ideas will never see the market, because the lack of capital. Many women, like Joy, have a side business or day time job. But this does not always generate enough money to start a hair business venture.

Would You Like to Make $ 30.000/month for Only $ 29/month?

Where to find money to start a hair store

There are at least several ways to find the money for your hair store in Kenya, think of:
-You can borrow from your family,
-use your savings,
-organize hair extensions parties,
-start a crowdfunding event or
-apply for micro credit.

Today I want to zoom in on micro credit as source of capital for your business. This type of financing is set up in many countries especially for women who want to start a business. This morning I watched a documentary about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Melinda mentioned the best way to improve the quality of life is to invest in the women of that country. This vision helped to start fund raising initiatives for women all over the world.

What is micro credit

It’s only about 30 years, micro finance as a source as capital, is available for women in Kenya. The Government understood small scale enterprises are important to make people of Kenya more prosperous . For example to generate more jobs and to reduce poverty.

The idea was to offer loans and deposits, plus support to the entrepreneurs who borrow the money. Later the focus of the institutions was on lending the capital to start a business. Less support was given as training or coaching on the business side. Some institutions are active in micro enterprise business and do provide training. For free or paid.

There are two types of institutions active in the micro credit business in Kenya. Those you can become a member and share in the revenues. Plus you have something to say and those who only see you as their client. Less influence and no revenue share for you.

Compared to loans from commercial banks, the average amount you can borrow is most often smaller. The pay back time is shorter. But the conditions to borrow the money are more soft. For example if you need a larger loan, a commercial bank could be more appropriate to finance your hair store.

How to lend money for your hair business in Kenya

To lend the money as a capital for your business, in general there are 3 approaches:

Group-lending approach.
Organization of clients into groups or use of informal groups for purposes of attaining economies of scale from the small sized transactions and instituting group guarantee mechanisms;

Character-based credit appraisal.
Credit appraisal is based on character assessment, rather than traditional collateral (ownership of land or other assets) and viability of projects to be financed;

Focus on micro-enterprises.
A special focus on financing very small businesses and the poor.

You might not feel comfortable with the group lending approach, because you depend on the behaviour of others. And if one member of the group fails to meet his obligations (pretty sure it will be the only guy in the group). You are all in the soup! At the other hand, it is a community where you can support others too and you can learn from each other.

With a character-based loan, you do not need to have a collateral, but the bank will rely on good faith and your story. If you have a good story to tell about how you will perform the business the chance to get the loan will increase.

One out of every three women with a micro finance loan in Kenya also have more than one business. Thus the micro credit allows you to open a fashion store next to you salon for example. This is a smart way to spread the risk. And to ensure you will still be able to pay your bills, even when one of the businesses suffers from disappointing sales.

Micro finance organisation to contact for your hair business in Kenya

There are nearly 30 institutions in Kenya active with micro credits. These institutions are ready to finance the capital you need to start or grow your hair business.

Below you will find my selection of the most important institutions. I encourage you to visit their websites. Your clients like to compare the hair they buy from you. So you should definitely compare where you can find the money you need to form the capital of your hair business.

KWFT Banking on women

With “To Partner with Women in their Creation of Wealth” as their mission statement, KWFT is my favorite micro credit institution of choice in Kenya. They even have a Mother Room, to change and breast feed the baby, in their branches!

They have developed several products based upon the group lending approach. These loans are granted with no collateral and the members can guarantee each other loans, named Biashara and Mwangaza loans. But there is also a group loan without group co guarantees (Mwamba loans). This opens more ways to access financing.

Before you uptake a loan, you undergo eight weeks training to learn various business skills such as book keeping and how to save.

You then will participate in monthly meetings with the KWFT officers where they walk the financial journey. This approach has provided financial services at your doorstep to provide convenience and save time and money.

I also recommend to read the success storiesthey share. No matter how enthusiastic you are about your own idea to start a hair business, you can always learn from the success of others.

Jitegemea Ready to give a hand

Jitegemea promotes and empowers micro and small enterprises by providing requisite services which include:
-savings mobilization and
-technical assistance.

They offer several loans. Like Biashara Loans, a product for their clients who have operated a business for at least six months, you can get amounts of Ksh: 5,000 to Ksh: 3,000,000. Or Asset Loans, this is a product that helps you to purchase business assets.

Their mission should be read as an invitation to walk into one their branches. Jitegemea wants: “To empower our clients by availing financial and social programs that will enable them realize their potential.”

It is also good to mention Queen Maxima from The Netherlands visited the head office in 2005. That gives a special bond with this institution for me!

Equity Bank Your Listening Caring Partner

This large financial institution only survived a major crisis thanks to their micro finance activities. They offer six products in their women’s loans portfolio. Most of them are combined with access to business improvement trainings. Keep in mind you need to pay for this service at Equity Bank.

The Fanikisha group Loan. For 15-30 members, to be repaid within 12 months. Or the Fanikisha Fedha loan for a group to ten members, and a repayment period of 18 months. For individuals they offer the Fanikisha Imara loan. They also offer individual loans with a longer period to repay. For all loans you need to have additional income that could be used for loan payment.

Faulu To enable Kenyans to realize their dreams

The vision of Faulu is to enable all Kenyans to realize their dreams, by listening and empowering the community with relevant loans and services. Faulu was declared the overall Best Microfinance Bank in Kenya in 2019.

Faulu offers a group business loan with flexible collateral options and a tenure, months to repay of maximum 24) for Self help groups. A Micro Loan for small businesses and entrepreneurs with a maximum of 36 months repayment. For individual loans the Chama Loan could be an option.

What to do if you want to apply for a micro credit?

The providers of the micro finance have a special focus on women and micro businesses. This will help you to get access to these loans, sometimes with a group and sometimes for yourself.

This possibility to find capital to Start a Hair Store in Kenya will work in your advantage if you first take the time to write your business plan. The Business Plan is a checklist that will help you to tackle in advance any failure for your hair and beauty store. It will help you to talk with the loan officer and to convince him or her about the bright future of your venture.

You want to get a loan?

Prepare yourself the best way for a talk with the loan officer. Get your copy of all-in-one business package and find yourself the capital you need to start selling hair!

Become an entrepreneur in the hair business, the advantages

Being your own boss, a true entrepreneur, is that where you dream of or do you think you will not be the right person to be the boss of your own hair selling company?
You should consider is if to work in the beauty industry as hair dresser, stylist, cosmetologist or focused on selling hair extensions as an independent worker or an entrepreneur, is really your thing.

How to get more visitors to your site

More visitors You want more visitors to your website? Visitors that will turn into clients if they like what you offer! Or even better into loyal clients because they will come back to you. Read here how to make this possible. Start your own Blog and become known as an expert in hair fashion The secret is to make sure you share your expertise, impress people with your knowledge about hair and they will feel more confident to buy from you. Start your own blog about the extensions you want to sell and make this a special event for everybody who visits your blog

Do Not Sell Your Hair to Afro American Women

Do Not Sell Your Hair to Afro American Women, is the advice I give to many start ups in the hair extensions business. Better to look for your special place, a niche. on market of 8 million women. Focus and sell more hair to Afro American Women

How to Sell the Best Beauty Products in Tanzania

How to Sell the Best Beauty Products in Tanzania

Home 9 Tag: Hair Extensions ( Page 2 )
The future of Tanzania is in the hands of the women and girls of Tanzania! The World Bank said the Government should invest in girls. This will improve the quality of life in Tanzania. More and more women will get better education and get better paid jobs. They will also look for the Best Beauty Products in Tanzania. Why won’t you take advantage of this evolution? Start selling the Best Beauty Products in Tanzania, now!

Do you want to earn your money by selling hair?

Proposed Increase of Import Duties on Human Hair is not helping

The Finance Act, 2019 is published on the Special Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania. To increase Government spending a new Harmonized System Code or HS code was introduced. These codes are used to classify traded goods. The new HS code 0501.00.00 Human hair, unworked whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair and has an Excise Rate of :

10 percent if locally manufactured or

25 percent if imported.

At the time of writing this post, September 2019 The Finance Act, 2019 was still in the phase of first reading and not yet implemented.

Proposed tax will not stop women of buying hair extensions and wigs in Tanzania

The proposed increase of tax on human hair is of course not helping to start a business with the Best Beauty Products in Tanzania. This attempt to keep hold of traditional values will perhaps delay the change in the Tanzanian Society, but never stop. Many women already wear wigs and hair extensions because they feel it makes them feel and look good.

The business environment in Tanzania remains challenging but offers opportunities

The World Bank sees it is still rather difficult to do business in Tanzania. The biggest struggle for businesses are in the areas of:
– trading across borders,
– starting a business and
– paying taxes.

To import goods into Tanzania it is well known the complicated documentation requirements are a main hurdle. Regarding taxes, start ups sometimes have to pay taxes based upon estimated revenues, even before commencing operations.

The goal of the government is to become a middle-income country by 2025. This goal requires reforms. One of the most important reform is on the increase of the role of women in the economy. Reduce child marriage and early childbearing plus more education for girls will help the country to reduce the poverty and increase the average income.

Start Your Beauty Store now

With the aim of the Government to become a middle-income country, and the planned reforms for girls, this is the time to prepare the launch of your hair business. You should not wait until everybody has discovered the attractive and growing hair business. This is the time to grab your place on the market. So do not wait.

Start with obtaining the right education, both on language (English) and business skills.

And invest time to find the best hair wholesale company.

With the best hair and the right education you will become financially independent. And have a fun business with the girls of Tanzania talking hair all day, with or without the higher tax on human hair.

Contact me if needed, I love to help you

Start Your Hair Business in Ethiopia

Start Your Hair Business in Ethiopia

If you live in Ethiopia and you love hair, you can consider yourself as very lucky. You have a great opportunity to start a hair business in Ethiopia.

Not only is Ethiopia one of the most stable expanding economies in Africa. 8.5 % growth in 2019 against 7.5% growth in 2018. The hair market also benefits from the fact Ethiopia is the business link between Africa and the Middle East. Next to this being the second most populous nation in Africa gives a domestic market as a great opportunity for small and medium sized companies. In short, all signals are green.

Start your hair business in Ethiopia before others do

In various African countries, like South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya we have seen the following evolution.

First clients had to buy their hair and beauty products from oversees.
Entrepreneurs, of whom some lived in Europe or the Unites States, started a company in their country of origin. They used their knowledge of the hair market and business practices to the country they were born. And over time clients, benefiting from better jobs and higher income, found their way to local stores.

Ethiopia aims to reach a higher income per inhabitant. This growth in income is possible thanks to growth in industry, construction and services. According to the WorldBank the government of Ethiopia wants to transform the country into a manufacturing hub. Growth in the industrial and service sector will mean more jobs for women. More jobs will lead to a higher income. This higher income will allow the women in Ethiopia, like women in Nigeria and Kenya for example, to consume more hair and beauty products.

Start a hair business in Ethiopia with little money

In these favorable circumstances a small investment in your hair business will be enough to create the base for a successful hair business. The competition is still limited. Thanks to the economic prosperity more and more women will enter the beauty and hair market. You can start with a small store or salon and anticipate further growth of the beauty and hair market by launching a Facebook page.

Use of social media in Ethiopia

Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform in Ethiopia. At a very far distance followed by Pinterest, Youtube and Twitter.

The challenge in Ethiopia is the fact the internet penetration is still rather low, and it faces quite some disruptions. Most of these disruptions find their cause in interference by the government, amongst other reasons to prevent exam leaks.

You should invest in a online presence to ensure your place at the top rankings, even if it is not helpful for the growth of your business to work with internet disruptions. If you invest in a free Facebook page, you will limit the costs of doing business. While you still can potentially reach over 3 million people between 25 and 34, the ideal target market for beauty and hair products.

Position Yourself for the number one online hairstore in Ethiopia

Once you have gained experience and market presence with your hair business in Ethiopia, you should position yourself for the number one position. Launch a online store, like Shopify, to build a trusted hair business. Being one of the front runners, will allow you room to experiment and to fully understand the customers needs. If you understand the needs of your clients, you can adapt your business model into more stores or even a wholesale business in Ethiopia.

Are your ready for a hair store in Ethiopia?