Remy Hair still in demand?

Remy Hair still in demand?

Remy hair is still very in demand, but since the end of 2012, more people use “Virgin Hair” when they search for quality hair extensions on Google. People are searching for Remy Hair because this is the highest grade of real, human hair. Hair that is a preferred choice for hair extensions, hairpieces and wigs because it achieves the most natural look.

If we refer to Remy Hair, the Cuticles is still intact and facing the same direction to reduce tangling. The hair will have more shine to it and a little smoother texture.

For this Hair that is Non Remy has cuticles that are not facing same direction and this causes more tangling. Also, some processing will completely wipe out the cuticle, which will leave hair shinier but will have more tangling than Remy.

If you want to offer and promote Remy hair, we recommend to take into account most people will search for:

•Remy Hair, very often in combination with Indian hair or indian remy;

•Remy Hair Weave, most popular in the United States of America;

•Remy Hair wholesale, also in combination with virgin wholesale hair;

•Remy Hair wigs, like lace wigs

Hair Extensions for hair loss in women

Hair Extensions for hair loss in women

Are you looking for a niche market, a specific place where you can satisfy the demands of a very specific group of clients, you may consider to service women with hair loss. If you are able to demonstrate your specific knowledge in the fields of women hair loss you will have a very attractive market plus you can really help woman, by selling hair, who for example suffer from cancer or Alopecia.

Hair loss in women

To start you should do some research on hair loss in general and women hair loss especially. Hair loss, which is the partial or complete lack of hair growth, can have many causes and if you are faced with a client suffering from hair loss always advise her to pay visit to her or his doctor.

For men the pattern of hair loss, begins at the temple and the crown and either thins out or falls out. For women hair loss the pattern occurs mostly at the frontal and parietal (the top of your head).

If you take into mind that people on an average have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head, the daily loss of about 100 strands has a limited impact. And for a healthy person the hair loss will be replaced by new hair. In most cases people discover the first signs of hair thinning if more hair than usual is left in the brush or in the water basin after washing the hair.

As women hair loss or hair thinning has a direct impact on the appearance, it causes stress. A full had with a nice volume is perceived totally different than signs of baldness. For women hair represents femininity and attractiveness.

If you are looking for some more background information on Alopecia, specifically for this growth market we recommend: Women and Alopecia: Managing Unexplained Hair Loss

Did you know even celebirties suffer from hair loss?


How can you help woman with hair loss

A good way to support your clients suffering from hair loss is to offer them a wig. As these wigs are not for one occasion only, but will be worn every day you should make sure you offer the best quality of wigs. Use the time to comfort your client and together select the best wig. The wig should be styled in the right way and to have a color that matches with the natural hair of the owner, and comfortable to wear.

Most women who have learned they will lose their hair because of the treatment, want to buy an expensive natural hair wig. In some cases it can be more advisable to purchase a synthetic wig, as they are less expensive and easier to maintain.

Some steps to ensure the wig will fit

  • Let your client take pictures of her current hair style.
  • Take some hair from the top front of the head, to match the color of the wig with the present color.
  • Use natural light or near a window to decide whether a wig matches the natural hair of the client.
  • Measure the head with the hair slicked down

See if you can offer an adjustable wig because the head size of your client may be up to a size smaller due to the hair loss.

It´s a specific niche of the hair extensions market, but you can build up good relations and the mouth by mouth works very good in this market.


Advice on start up

Advice on start up

eBook PromoQuestion: Good evening , i really enjoyed reading your ebook on selling hair extensions it was very informative and insightful .I want to start selling hair extensions online i have been approved for a business loan to start up my business . i wanted to know if 5000 pounds would be enough to start how many bundles of hair would you start off buying ? would be grateful for advice

Answer: Thanks you for your kind words, very happy to read the eBook helped you in getting started. And I am very happy you´ve got a business loan approved. The inventory you should have in house depends on your turnover and the day´s to delivery you promised your clients. But especially in the start phase of your business it´s difficult to estimate the type of hair your clients are interested in. There is the risk you have invested in some length or texture your clients are not interested in. I recommend you not to invest too much of your cash in stock. Please read our post on enough hair but at the lowest stock and keep some money aside to do special offers or promotions to grow your client base..

What to do with returned hair

Returned hair

We do not accept any returns of hair extensions and we will not refund any money”. This is clear language, but does it show you put the client first? If your client is not happy and you do not want to endanger the relation, you could consider not being too harsh.
Of course if the client made an error or tries to play a game with you, you should very well consider if it is worth to take back the hair.
But otherwise , if there are circumstances you want to give the client the benefit of the doubt and you will accept to return the hair.

Return policy

It is important to write down and to publish your return policy. Under what conditions do you accept returned hair? Because you believe in your products and you put your clients first, you do not hide your return policy somewhere in a dark place of your website or hair shop. Make sure the policy can be found and read by every client. Use it as a marketing tool, people like to but from places where they can return what they bought, and big chance they will not return the hair.

What if you accept the returned hair?

But in case a client is not happy with the received hair extensions, follow your policy to accept the returned hair extensions or wigs.
In these cases be sure the necessary hygiene is respected. The best thing is to only allow hair extensions that have not been taken out of the original package (you remember with your name and logo). But if this is not possible, if the client opened the package, check the hair extensions very well en keep them apart from your stock. You do not want to be known to be the first to sell second hand hair extensions, unless this is your way to differentiate yourself.

Reduce the loss and turn the unhappy client into a loyal client

Try to reduce your loss of the hair as little as possible. Instead of a refund, offer the client a replacement, a significant discount on a new order or a Gift Card… Be generous if the occasion calls for it. Remember, a happy client will tell one or two people how happy they are with you, an unhappy person might use the next three birthday parties to tell everybody how bad your shop is.
So in most cases problems with returned hair will put a lot of pressure on the relation between you and the client. But if you can convince the client to stay as a customer, you will win a very loyal and happy client.