This is what your client needs

This is what your client needs

Thanks to the search engines on the internet, we are able to see what people Google when they are looking for example for …. hair extensions. With this information you can:
– at least predict a little bit better the future trends in hair extensions.
– anticipate what extensions you should have in stock to be sure you will not have to say no to a client and
-not the least important you can write about these trends on your website so the chance your website will be found, because more people are looking for it will increase also.
To share an example, we did some analyses for the United States of America and we see the hair extensions most searched for are: ” feather extensions ” and ” clip in extensions” .
But more important to know is which extensions people are searching for more often, so the ones that are searched for more now than before. Why? Because this gives an idea about what people will look for tomorrow! A true crystal ball.
Here we see more people Google for ¨feather extensions¨ followed by ¨clip in extensions¨ but there is also a growing interest for ¨cheap extensions¨.
In the map below you can even see in what states the “feather extensions” are the most popular.A good idea to add to your product offering feather extensions, for example from Fine Featherheads.
Who is looking for feather extensions?
But what about other trends? People are looking much more for “human hair extensions ” and much less for “synthetic hair extensions “, although the last year this has changed a little bit and more people look for synthetic. And both “best hair extensions” and “cheap hair extensions” are in demand on Google. So there is always demand for good quality hair extensions for an acceptable price now and in the future!
Of course you should never forget to talk and chat with your clients, use social media and real life conversations to find out what they are looking for, but these trends can help you to predict the future and to help your clients better.
And if you have specific questions for your area or products, just let us know by email or share a comment and we will help you out. Just for free!
What to consider when buying from an online hair supplier

Start Now Selling Hair Extensions

This is what your client needs

What to avoid

Avoid to offer all types of hair extensions

, in all lengths, in all different colors and to sell your hair extensions to the whole world. Your success will be in your focus, this will allow you to obtain specialized knowledge in the products you sell, knowledge that you can transfer to your clients and will turn them into loyal clients. If they have questions or even complaints, you know your product best and will be able to give your client the best advice and response.
Focus is not similar for becoming completely depended from one wholesale supplier, you should focus on the product you sell, but you should have alternatives to purchase your hair extensions. If you have enough experience in the product you sell, you will also be able to obtain a better purchase price from your wholesalers as you will be able to distinguish the top quality from the cheaper but inferior hair extensions. And if you are really an expert in an specific type of hair, why won´t you write an eBook about this? This will help you to broaden your name recognition.
Do not give away your products, for sure you can decide to give samples, but do not sell below your own price unless there is a very good reason. If you want to build up a good sustainable client base, that you can serve for a longer period of time and that wants a constant level of quality, selling under your own cost price will undermine these long term goals.

If your clients are asking for discount, there are several ways to offer alternatives for lower prices, think of what you can do on shipping costs, what about extra hair extensions or a discount voucher for the next purchase. Be creative, not cheap.

What to consider when buying from an online hair supplier

Start Now Selling Hair Extensions

X-selling or UP selling

X-selling or UP selling

X-selling or UP selling hair

Selling hair is like a sport. You always must be at the top of the game.
First you must present your hair and beauty products in a way that your client feels your hair is the solution for her hair problem.
Once you succeeded in that, your next step is to offer the hair at a price, your client feels it is worth it.
But that means the game is over! There is more to win!

Go for the top! Up selling

Wait with celebrating you have been selling some hair bundles, or a wig to your client. Your client has shown with her purchase she feels you are the best shop in town to handle her hair problems.
Now is the moment to offer her a product that could be even better. Perhaps she bought hair at a lower grade, and you can make her even happier by offering a higher grade at a very attractive price.
Instead of a higher grade, you can also show her a taller length or a higher density.
If she accepts your offer, your average order amount will increase and that will increase your margin. For example, because you do not have to spend any more money in getting the deal. This is called up selling, the product you sell is of a higher quality, and price.

Make more margin, with cross selling

Now your client shows clear interest in your products, you could see if she is interested in also buying some other products. Especially a product that can help to maintain the hair extensions or wig. After she decided to buy the hair, recommend her your own brand of shampoo. If she loves your hair, she will also feel confident to buy the best shampoo for your hair.

Keep your focus on her

Be careful, at any time you have to avoid the client gets the idea you only want to sell more. Make sure the deal is also interesting for the client, otherwise you will lose clients. So here it is important you know your client also for example to know what they are interested in.
If you play the game well, you will turn more clients into loyal happy women who like to come back for your hair and advice.

Tools to help

If you sell online, with Shopify or WooCommerce, there are plugins and apps that will help you to cross selling or up selling. These tools for example show related products on product and cart pages. Exact at the right time when your clients add items to the cart!
The conversions and clicks will be tracked, so you can learn with every client wat a smart up or cross selling offer can be.

Ready to make more sales?

Check the Shopify or WooCommerce/Wordpress solution to open your own online hair business and sell more using cross and up selling.

This is what your client needs

I want to start selling human where should I start?

Where should I start selling hair

Question: I want to start selling human where should I start?

Answer: If you are sure you want to start a business, first invest time to find your (potential) clients and the products and services they are interested in.

I suggest you start to do some market research first, to understand where your clients are today, where they shop, what budget they have to buy extensions and what they are looking for. It´s easy to start with your friends or family, but you should also talk with other people.

Meet people on parties, events and in shopping malls and start a little (but not too formal) interview. Try to understand what they miss today when buying the hair extensions, are they too expensive, does it takes too long before they receive the extensions, or anything that might help you to do better. The good thing is there is a big chance these people will become your first clients, because they know you listen to them and people appreciate that very much!

What to consider when buying from an online hair supplier

Start Now Selling Hair Extensions

I need your help

Question: I would love to open up a quality hair extension business but really need some help on getting started in every way. Please if you can find the time to help me I would greatly appreciate it. Please contact me via email, thank you.

Answer: Hi, the best thing is to start to decide on what kind of clients you want to service. Where are they located, what kind of hair they are interested in and how much are they willing or can the afford to purchase hair.