How a travel ban for Nigeria will impact your hair business

How a travel ban for Nigeria will impact your hair business

Increase your inventory due to the Travel ban for Nigerians

Today Donald Trump has announced he will soon be imposing a travel ban for Nigeria and Tanzania. These countries are mentioned on a draft list of the proposed restrictions, also known as the travel ban.

A significant trade for Nigerians living in the USA is to sell hair and other goods in Nigeria. The same goes for people from Tanzania. Much of the hair is taken by plane to Nigeria as luggage and here is where the travel ban of Nigeria will impact the hair business.

What is the travel ban

During his 2016 campaign Donald Trump frequently floated the idea to ban all Muslims to travel to the USA. The first implementation of his travel ban sparked an uproar, with massive protests and chaos at airports where passengers were detained. The ban was also called the Muslim ban.

The current travel ban suspends immigrant and non-immigrant visas to applicants from: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and North Korea.

There are two executive orders and two presidential proclamations about the travel ban. The implementation of this ban is not without legal discussions. The bans originally aimed mostly countries in the middle east, but now a travel ban for Nigeria and Tanzania is on the table.

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How sure it is the travel ban of Nigeria will be law

To anticipate if you must adapt the flow of the hair from the USA to Nigeria, you should follow the news rather close. The US government has already informed the countries subject to this extended travel ban. The idea is the countries involved should be in the position to adapt their own travel regulations.

This aims at measures like improved:

  • border security,
  • sharing of identification information among nations and
  • travel document security.

President Donald Trump told reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that he’s doing it to protect the United States.

“We’re adding a couple of countries (including Nigeria and Tanzania) to it,” he said. “We have to be safe. Our country must be safe. You see what’s going on in the world. Our country must be safe. So, we have a very strong travel ban and we’ll be adding a few countries to it.”

Depending on how successful the Nigerian government can proof the progress in the steps mentioned above, they can avoid a travel ban for Nigerians.

How to avoid a travel ban will impact your hair business in Nigeria?

To keep your clients happy, you must be able to keep the time to delivery as short as possible. A travel ban will increase the time for traveling. You might need to go through more lengthy procedures, or perhaps even are not allowed to travel for a certain period.

Consider alternative logistics, increase the stock starting now, or purchase the hair in other countries.
We will keep you informed if the travel ban for Nigeria will become a rule that will limit traveling and how to deal with this. If you already have any question, please leave a comment below.

Start the Best Hair Extensions Store in Coffeyville, today!

Start the Best Hair Extensions Store in Coffeyville, today!

There is always room for improvement, and if you have been dreaming to sell hair for a long time, how about start selling now! Suppose you live in Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas, United States. I can tell you there is enough opportunity to start the best Hair Extensions Store.

Opportunity, sell to salons in Coffeyville

If you want to start selling hair extensions, you should never forget to check the market. How is the hair market in Coffeyville? They have over 20 salons that refer in the yellow pages they also sell hair extensions. That as a good base to start the conversation. Ask the salon owners if they are interested to get their hair from the best Hair Extensions Store in Coffeyville. Local for local, right!

Some are only beauty salons and to help them to broaden their service offering by directly selling hair could be an interesting opportunity.

Step one, find your potential clients

First, let’s see the list of salons and hair stylist below, they are all located in Coffeyville. Plus, you also have potential to sell your hair to salons in neighbouring towns. But let’s focus on Coffeyville first. By approaching the salons and hair stylists, you do not need to invest strongly in marketing. The existing client base of these salons and stylists, will indirectly become your client base. Of course, you are not going to steal them away from the salons. You will only grow, if you respect your clients and work as a partnership.

Again, please find the overview of salons:

  • The Envy Salon & Day Spa
  • The Hair Junction
  • Diva’s Hair Salon
  • Headlines Hair Studio
  • Head to Toes
  • Jan’s Style Salon
  • Paradise Hair & Tanning Co.
  • SmartStyle
  • Left of Center Hair Design
  • Cuts& Tans
  • Studio Blue
  • Styling Corner
  • Hair Time
  • Kim’s Cuts & Styles
  • Hair Center
  • Unique Reflections
  • Hairology
  • The Hair Mill

Launch your own hair store with the all in one hair business package, complete with hair samples

Elevator pitch for visit to salons

Before you pick up the phone, or plan to visit these salons, you need to think of what your value added is. Who you are and why they would give you the opportunity to sell hair to them. What will be their profit from your offer? A short story you can tell with confidence. You only get the opportunity once to introduce yourself, so make sure it is a moment they will not forget and makes them to want more! Tell them what you want, namely, to solve all their struggles on hair extensions.

How to become the Best Hair Extensions Store in Coffeyville?

You will become the best hair store if you know how to listen. Listening should be your main activity to start with. What is it the clients of these salons are looking for, what price are they willing to pay and what they like and do not like about hair extensions. I can tell you, if you manage to get the feedback of only half of these salons you will be the smartest hair extensions seller of Coffeyville! These salons only have the overview of the needs of their own clients. But you will have the ideas and struggles of all women and girls of Coffeyville!

Do not look for a wholesale supplier before you have finished all the previous steps

Now, you can ask me for the best hair supplier, because you know exactly what your clients, and their clients need. You will be the hair guru of your town. You can negotiate the conditions that will make your hair business profitable. But even more important, you will never have unsold hair, because what you purchase from the supplier is what the salons in Coffeyville need!

Would you like your own Professional Hair Webstore?

Please tell me, are you ready to become the Best Hair Extensions Store in Coffeyville?

Importing hair from China to South Africa

Importing hair from China to South Africa

Home 9 Tag: hair extensions wholesale suppliers
To sell your hair at the right price to make a nice profit, most likely you will search for a hair manufacturer in China. Chinese Hair manufacturers offer a great variety of hair at very attractive prices. Importing hair from China to South Africa will lead to a payment of import duties. These duties will increase the cost of the hair. This article will inform you on how to deal with these duties when you are importing hair from china to south Africa and what you can do to lower these duties to the lowest level possible.

Want a webstore that increases your hair sales?

Common procedure when you are importing hair from China to South Africa

You can import Hair products using various modes of transport, like air, sea, road, rail and post. This means if your Chinese Supplier ships the hair by DHL or Fedex, you can expect to pay import duties. The importer, you, must declare to Customs what hair they have brought into South Africa and by what means of transport. If the hair arrives in South Africa via the post, a different process is followed.

The South African Customs Administration will check the declaration of the hair against the documents produced. Think of an invoice from the Chinese Supplier or a bill of lading and certificates of origin. The certificate’s of origin are important for the tariff. The administration can exam the goods if necessary and collect duties and value Added Tax (VAT). They can also ask you for additional information.

What is the value of the hair?

If you are importing hair from China to South Africa, the Chinese supplier will have to make up an invoice. The value on this invoice, for the hair purchased, is one, but not the only, valuation the customs will use to calculate the import duties.
Customs has to follow six methods of valuation which must be applied in strict hierarchical order. Thus, if the transaction value cannot be ascertained in terms of method 1, method 2 must be tried, and so on.
The methods, in order of precedence, are:
1. The transaction value of the hair, i.e. the price actually paid or payable (invoice)
2. The transaction value of identical goods
3. The transaction value of similar goods
4. The “deductive” method (where the customs value is derived from the selling price of the imported goods in the Republic)
5. The “computed” method (where the value is derived from the built-up cost of the imported goods);
6. The so-called “fall back” method, being one of the other five methods applied more flexibly.
The price on the invoice must be based on the actual value of the hair.

What should be the price on the invoice?

In doubt the price paid, or invoiced, for the hair is correct, for example too low, the customs have the obligation to check the prices of the same hair products imported before. If all requirements are full filled, method 1, or the transaction value method will be used.
The invoice must enable the customs to determine the:
• actual amounts paid for the service or goods;
• role and function of the parties involved (importer, middleman, manufacturer and supplier) and
• actual services performed or paid for

What if you agree with the Chinese Supplier to write down a lower price?

If you would ask the Chinese Supplier to write the lowest possible price on the invoice, and pay in a separate payment process another, most likely higher price, there is a chance customs will value the goods at a higher price.
To find the value they have the other alternative valuation methods as mentioned. But once they decided to use another method, They can not go back to a previous valuation method in case this value is lower.

Receiving hair in the post

If you are importing hair from China to South Africa by mail, it will be most likely registered mail. This will allow you to use a track and trace system.

What if you buy from a marketplace like Amazon?

Chinese Hair suppliers are active on Amazon and Aliexpress too. You don’t have to register as an importer if you buy from Amazon or Aliexpress if you meet the following conditions.

• You are allowed only three transactions (of less than R50 000 each) during any calendar year;
• You are only allowed to import goods for home consumption or personal use, not for resale or any other business;
• You must be located in South Africa;
• Your identity number/ Passport number or taxpayer reference number must be entered in the field provided in the declaration form.
Should the purchase falls outside these limitations, you will have to register and obtain an importer or exporter code.

What if you claim the purchase is a gift?

You can twice a calendar year receive a free gift. The gift should come from a person from flesh and blood and given to another person.
The value should not exceed R 1 400 per gift and should not be expected by the receiver.

Record keeping

If you import hair by post you must keep the following for record purposes for a period of five years:
Books, accounts and documents in respect of all transactions relating to the Rules for the purpose of any acquittal procedure; and
Any data related to such documents created by means of a computer.
The five year period is calculated from the end of the calendar year in which the document was created, lodged or required.

You can find the offices of Customs on the website or call the SARS Contact Centre on 0800 00 7277.

Lace Closure at special wholesale prices for you

Lace Closure at special wholesale prices for you

Lace Closure

A lace closure is a not to miss product when selling Hair Extensions.

Read all about the type of lace closures our wholesale suppliers have in stock, ready to sell to your clients.

Lace Closure

A Lace Closure is a hair part, with hair tied to a piece of lace. If your clients want to part their hair in the front, let them invest in a lace closure. This is better than using the more traditional method.
To install a lace, closure the straightest way is to sew or glue it on. In this post we will show you a way to install a lace closure which allow women to wear full sew-ins while still being able to wear a part. If you have the time Lace Closures will make your hairstyle more natural.
All you need in the house are Bobby Pins, Needle and Thread, Concealer and do not forget the lace closure of course.

A concealer by the way, is a type of cosmetic used to mask dark circles, age spots, large pores, and other small blemishes visible on the skin. It is like foundation, but thicker.

1 Lay the Lace Closure over your braids

To start, lay the closure over your braids and line it up with the hairline. This is the best way to see how much of the extra lace you need to cut off. Next use hair clips to pin the lace closure in place before you sew it down.

2 Do not be afraid and start cutting

Next step is to cut off the extra lace, be sure you do not cut too much. Then tease some of your own baby hairs and push them just in front of the lace closure. Then proceed to sew the lace closure to the braids.

Make sure you sew the closure down tight and flat. If it’s loose it won’t look right. Always check and make sure the closure isn’t twisting out of place while you are sewing it down.

3 The finishing touch

Help the closure to blend better, with some finishing touches. Color the lace near your hairline with black eyeliner. Works perfect!

Then apply some of the concealer to the lace in the parting. Bring it down past the lace closure and blend right at your hairline. Last task you need to perform is to use edge control to ‘part’ the baby hairs. This extends the part from the closure to your own hairline.

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The lace closure we can offer through our wholesaler is 100% fine selected human hair. Tangle free and no shedding hairs, guaranteed. Over 40 colors are available, such as natural colors, light colors, mixed colors, piano colors and Ombre colors.

With wide range of sizes like 4 by 4’’, .4 by 13’’, 4 by 3.5’’ and so on. You can select the texture of the hair, Deep Wave, Loose Wave, Natural Curly, etc.

Interested in the hair, visit our page for hair wholesale suppliers or use the form below

Lace Closure
Lace Closure

I want Lace Closures at wholesale conditions

14 + 4 =

Waiting for your IRS refund, start your own hair brand now!

Waiting for your IRS refund, start your own hair brand now!

Waiting for your IRS refund, start your own hair brand now!

Opportunity comes but once, and your tax refund is one of these moments. You want to be financially independent, talk hair and sell your own hair brand, but never had enough money? You always have bills to pay, mouths to feed and other things that burn your cash?

At the start of this year I promised to help you. If you want to start selling your own hair brand in 2017, I am here to support you. Invest your tax refund, or a part of it, in your dream, in your own future and start that business.

With the proper planning, reliable hair suppliers, your love for hair and your tax refund you can make it all happen this time. 2017 is the year of the launch of your hair brand.

Do not wait again another year, do not think of an excuse not to invest in yourself. You deserve better and I cleaned up my calendar to support you. So what’s holding you back?

What to do to start your own hair brand

Let me go against the advice of many Marketing Guru’s and instead of only one option, I let you decide to pick the best out of three option for you. Do not be confused and bounce away from this post. Read till the end of this post if you want to start your own hair brand in 2017.

Okay, there are three options, to start selling with your own brand of hair extensions.

Option A. Sign up for introductions to hair suppliers, I created a special page and all you must do is to fill in a simple form and press submit. That’s all, and you get a reliable supplier in your inbox or WhatsApp. Do not forget to take your copy of my eBook “From Dream to Your Own Hair Extensions Business, in Only 10 Days” on your way out. This will help you to be different and to sell more.

There is more,

Option B. You can get several hair wholesale suppliers in your inbox or WhatsApp, but now with my full support as mentor, free promotions, guides on how to sell hair and much more supporting material. A complete kit to start selling hair including hair suppliers and samples.

For this option, I ask you 29 dollars in exchange, but you will make your first profit right away because this package is worth so much more. For example, 30 minutes’ free call to discuss with your own mentor the best steps to create your own brand.

And the third and last option is to tell your best friend about this opportunity and to buy your hair in the future from her. After all, best friends support each other, always right!

Okay, tell me do you want to spend your tax refund on your own future your own hair brand, or do you prefer to wait another year.

I recommend to invest in yourself, because your tax refund only comes once a year. You agree, then click on your option to start a hair business.

Option A All by yourself or Option B With my support