How much money you need to start a hair extensions business?

How much money you need to start a hair extensions business?

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Estimate the money you need to start a hair business

If you plan to start a hair extensions business, it is good to estimate how much money you need. This will help you to decide to keep (or take) a part time job, or to find a sugar daddy or bank to borrow some funds. This post will help you to estimating start-up costs for your hair extensions business.

No universal method

Every business has its own specific cash needs at different stages of development. So, there is no universal method for estimating the start-up costs for your hair business. Some stores start on a small budget. While others may need considerable investments in inventory or equipment.

The first step to estimate the money you need is to have a clear idea about the kind of business you want. An automated hair store, 100% online. A combination of an off-line store annex salon and an online store? Or a salon with staff or without. There are many possibilities and the same number of possible start-up costs.

If you need to a building for your store or salon, you need to calculate the financing expenses or rent too.

What kind of expenses?

The money you need, to start a hair business, is not only for the inventory, stationary and marketing expenses. You also need to take into account the costs of doing business for the first months. Some of these expenses will be one-time costs such as the fee for incorporating your business or the price of a sign for your building. Some will be ongoing costs, such as the cost of utilities, inventory, insurance, etc.

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It’s smart to calculate on the conservative side, add some extra’ s for unforeseen. Surprises always pop up, for sure on the expense side of your business.

There are 2 separate categories: fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses include rent, utilities, administrative costs and insurance costs.
Variable expenses include:

-shipping and packaging costs,
-sales commissions, and
-other costs associated with the direct sale of the hair.

The best way to calculate

The best way to calculate your start-up costs is to use a worksheet.

The step by step guide all-in-one hair extensions business package includes the excel sheet to calculate your hair extensions business start-up expenses, and sales forecast. Plus much more to start a hair extensions business, like coaching, hair supplier and web store.

Do you want to earn your money by selling hair?

How much is needed for a hair business

How much is needed for a hair business

How much is needed for a hair business

You earn money with money. First you must invest time and money in your hair business before you can start to get sales. For that reason, I receive questions by email or social media, asking How much is needed for a hair business.

The answer is, I do not know!

Wait before you click a way to another website, what I want to say is, it depends on what you want to achieve!

What do you need to know first

To answer the question how much is needed for a hair business you should take a few things into consideration.

  1. What kind of hair business do you want to start?
  2. Do you want to grow by great content or to market your hair business?
  3. Do you want to start selling wholesale or retail?
  4. What is your inventory strategy, do you need a lot of inventory or not?
  5. Do you want a store or only online presence?


As you see, it all depends on the plan you should have to start a hair business.  Of course, we all know the success stories from big firms or hair brands who started with selling hair out of the trunk of their car. With USD 2000 you can start an imperium, but it also involves a lot of work and luck.

Your plan on one page

My recommendation to people who ask me how much is needed for a hair business is to start with their business plan. No need to complete a 50 pages detailed plan to know how much you need, but start with a one pager that describes what is your mission, when you want to be break even, how you will be different and how you are going to connect with your ideal client.

You can keep it at low cost, using free hair samples, social media and the templates I offer, or If you have access to enough cash you can invest in a nice website combined with a salon.

Let me know how you want to your store to be different and I can tell you how much is needed for a hair business


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You are your own boss, but not alone with our advice selling hair

Being your own boss is great, you can make a lot of important, and less important, decisions. Nobody will tell you to do otherwise, but there is the chance your clients or providers do not like. Sometimes it is just good to have somebody you can chat with. Somebody who understands the hair business, who has the experience of the problems and success many other hair business deal with. Every day! If you do not want to be alone, feel free to call us!

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How does it work

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You decide the topics we will discuss and you will get direct feedback and support, if possible. Get a second opinion on your business plan, get some design ideas for the website you are building or discuss your marketing strategy. You are the boss!

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