Jan 6, 2018 | How do you sell?
Home 9 Tag: Facebook ( Page 2 )
Once upon a time, there was a girl, named Tina, selling hair extensions. She has the passion to make other women look and feel gorgeous. Tina borrowed from her mother to buy her first inventory of bundles of hair. Her mother gave her all her savings, because she believed in her daughter. Tina published every day at least 10 images of the bundles on all her social media with in Capital letters in Bold “Bundle Deal, now extra cheap!”. She offered the cheapest hair in town, but at the end of first 6 months in business she only sold three bundles.
Tina did not know, it was her mother who bought these 3 bundles, only because she loved her daughter. Tina had to quit her dream to become an independent hair re-seller and found a job in a salon in a neighboring city. There she told every client about her adventure as a hair re-seller.
The clients got emotional connected with Tina. A young woman, full of passion to work in the hair business. A young woman working to pay back her mother. Some clients started to ask Tina to show the hair she offered.
This time it was not her mother, but complete strangers who wanted to buy her hair. She impressed her boss how she engaged with the clients, and her boss allowed her to sell the hair in the salon. The inventory was quickly sold out. Tina could not only buy new hair, she could also return her mothers savings.
Tina’s storytelling was much more successful in marketing her hair extensions than 10 bundle deals a day!
Get the all-in-one hair business package, complete with hair samples and launch your own hair store now
Business Storytelling
Telling a story as a business, is not the same as telling a story to your kids or cousins before they go to sleep. With Business Storytelling you create a connection between your beauty business and your clients. Your story will share your business vision and your mission. Tina was telling, with passion, why she wanted to make women feel and look good.
Let’s take your about us page as an example. Many first-time visitors of your website prefer to visit your about us page.
You can use the lessons in this article for every business story you want to tell, like solutions for the needs of your Ideal Client.
The storytelling elements
A good story always has three elements to keep the attention of the readers.
- The Characters, will it be about you, or do you talk to the reader (you).
- A conflict, describe the problem your reader will feel connected with. What is going wrong?
- And finally the part where you will be the hero, because you will present the resolution for the hair or beauty problem you mentioned as conflict.
How do you determine characters within a story?
The character is the connection between you, as business owner and storyteller, and your audience. For first-person point of view, this is when the character is yourself. When you use “I saw this” or “I learned that”. Using this type of language in storytelling is more confessional. It can help you establish a personal connection with the reader. You can use this to build authority. Try using first-person when there is a known person, you, behind the content.
As for second-person, the character in this point of view is your audience. The visitors of your website or store. “You will see” or “you will learn”. When using “you” language, you need to understand your Ideal Client. Make it personal for them by knowing their pain points. Their goals. Tell the story in a way that shows empathy.
The third-person is the “she said” and “he said” type of language. Testimonials from customers are a good example of using third-person.
Save money with the free trial for a hair webstore with all features to sell your hair!
Why are you telling the story, the conflict
Conflict helps build emotional dynamics. It helps to make a connection between you and your reader. Human-to-human connections are the foundation for a successful business.
You are dealing with people. Your goal is:
- providing answers,
- relieving stress,
- creating happiness, and
- making life easier for the ideal Client.
The profits your company makes comes from a well-thought business plan and customers who believe in you and what you do.
The conflict is the lesson in how the character transforms through challenge.
How should you end a story, the resolution?
The resolution should wrap up the story but should also call your audience to action.
Do not copy – paste a solution for a problem you found on another website, be original and trustworthy. You are specialized in solving the needs of your ideal client, so you are the only one who can provide this solution.
WHY are you in the hair business?
Tell the world on your about us page, where your Hair Business stands for. Write down in two or three sentences what your core values are. Here you can talk about quality, customer oriented, attention for your community, product innovation, the environment and charity. This helps your target audience to connect with your hair brand and to build a loyal relation.
Decide on the position of your hair brand in a couple of years. Define your niche, what special place of the market will be yours? Afro American Women who Code? Girls on the campus. Your home state. Finally, how long will it take. Decide about the period it will take you to achieve your goals.
Do not share figures like an accountant or rocket engineer, tell a story about WHY you are in the hair business. It is important to start with WHY you are in the beauty and hair business, because now you communicate with feelings. Your readers will easier connect with your hair brand.
HOW, do you solve the needs of your Ideal Clients
You have analyzed your ideal client, her demographics, her needs and struggles and where she finds the possible answers to her questions and doubts. For your about us page this is the best way to connect with your ideal client. If you tell about how you solve her, or his, needs on the field of hair extensions in the preferred style of your ideal client for sure she will become a returning visitor.
WHAT, do you offer
Now it’s time to bring your visitor into action, offer a call to action. For you about us page this could be a newsletter or Facebook follow. But if you write about a hair problem, you can offer the solution as a call to action, or a bundle deal 😉
Dec 11, 2017 | All about money
Home 9 Tag: Facebook ( Page 2 )
Starting a hair business generates happiness, beauty, and cash!
No money but you can still become rich!
What if you have no money, but still want to start a hair business? Or what if you have an idea that will change the hair market forever, but you have no money to start a hair business? Should you give up? Should you keep on having two jobs to make a living? No! There is no need to give in, because in this post I will explain how to start a hair business, even if you have no money!
Once or twice a month I receive a phone call, or app from a country in the Middle East. The girl on the other side tells me for example she is from Kenya and not from the region. She is working in a country like Qatar. She is planning to set up her own hair business when she returns to her home country. She saves money and wants to open a store to sell hair and beauty products. She will need the money for many things, and she wants to open her hair business in her town. My advice is to keep most of the money in her saving account but start an online hair business. A hair business that will generate enough money to become independent.
E-commerce on the rise
; world wide growth even during pandemic, data provided by Statista a leading provider of market and consumer data.
Do you need a brick-and-mortar store?
Why would you need to give all your money to your landlord to rent a store? Every month he will be knocking on your door to ask for the rent, and he will never ask how much hair did you sell? Do you want that stress?
It feels awesome to open the doors of your own hair business in the morning. To see all that beautiful hair hanging, waiting for a buyer to take with her. But the hair on the wall is not generating any money, and neither will it pay your rent, until a customer buys the hair.
Many women contact me with the question how much money they need to start a hair business? Or they want to know how to start a hair business, or how to become a wig distributor with no money? The answer to “
how to start a hair business“, depends on the kind of store you want. Or the hair your clients are looking for and how you want to market your hair.
To start an online hair business, the capital you need can be very close to zero. While at the same time to growth predictions for your online sales are amazing as you can see in the graph.
Instead of searching for a location for your hair store in town. Why not check on the internet for nice hair online hair stores to get inspired? It’s free and you can learn a lot from existing stores.
What is the cheapest way to start your hair store
Have you done the math already? Did you ever calculate, or even without putting the figures, what the expenses are for a hair store? Let me help you.
Expenses when you rent your store
When you rent your own store, be aware you will pay:
- for the 25%-10% of space you can’t use
- You will have to pay for every square feet, even if this floor is not a suitable space for selling. That is a waste of money
- for expenses that are not linked to the space
- Your landlord might charge additional expenses, like out of the pocket or tax, while these expenses do not increase the quality of the space.
- the electricity bill of the other tenants
- Make sure you only pay for the energy you use, otherwise you might ending up paying for other stores in the building.
more when you only try to sell more
When you want to add a new collection or other products in your store. You might need to pay for more space, Even before you will sell any bundle of hair.
There is an extensive list of expenses and risks you run when renting office or store space. This will differ for every local situation, but it is good to realize the risk you run when you start with the rent of a store.
So much less when you go online
Thanks to the internet, you can be launching a hair extension business, even if you have no money to start. No money, is no longer a showstopper. But not having money will make you think twice before you spend money on any topic. This will help you to make a good profit selling hair .
When you have an online hair business, you pay nothing for:
- social media
- When you offer your products on social media, like Instagram you do not pay for the setup of your business account, Unless you decide to advertise.
- a webstore like Wix
- True, the free plan is limited and when you do not mind to distract your clients from buying with advertisements from Wix you can use this website builder
- the trial on Shopify
- Design your own store without any limit and add your products. Only when you are happy with the design and launch you pay thanks to the free trail from Shopify. When you are ready to sell you pay $ 29 a month
When you add new products to your Shopify store you pay nothing extra!
Things to start a store you can do for free
There are many things that will generate money later, without spending money. These tips work when you want to start a hair business with no money in Africa, the United States or any other country.
Let’s start with your clients. It is very important to begin with the most important people in the world, or at least in the hair selling business. Those who are going to keep your hair business going. Your Ideal Clients.
Listen to what your clients needs to sell more hair!
You can analyze their needs rather easy and for free. Start with your friends, go out shopping and listen to their remarks when you all enter a beauty and hair store. When you go to the salon, talk with the other ladies about their hair needs, and listen very well.
Where do they buy their weaves and what do they like and do not like? Check on Instagram the comments given on hair selling accounts. Write everything down and define your Ideal Client. This valuable information is all yours even if you have no money.
How to start my own hair extension line free of rent?
Great sources of inspiration are the hair businesses in the mall of course. But, as mentioned before, these hair stores all must pay rent. Every month, regardless how much hair you sell. Rental payment is one of the biggest expenses for any business. What if you can save on these expenses, a rental free store? That will not only save you money. It will also give you an advantage because you can offer a high discount for loyal clients. Higher than a hair business that has to pay rent! Lower expenses support a higher profit margin and you can invest this profit to give your clients a higher discount. That will boost your hair sales and give you loyal clients in return. Clients who will return for another bundle of hair! So, sell hair from home.
How to start a small hair business from home?
Indeed, to save expenses you can start your hair or wig business from home. Make sure you have a room free or at least your own corner in the house to keep the hair. There are stores that only use their mobile phones, so you do not need much space. Sell hair online, for example using a platform like Shopify. If you know how to start a wig business from home, do not forget to turn your home into a safe and efficient workplace.
Learn from hair suppliers what hair is hot!
By this time, you know what your ideal client likes, how and where she searches for the hair and other beauty solutions. You know the kind of solutions you can offer that are a perfect match for her needs. Now you can start to look for hair vendors.
Search the internet, make a long list with all possible hair wholesale stores. You need to know where to buy hair extensions at wholesale conditions. Write down as many suppliers as possible. Later you are going to contact these wholesale human hair vendors and ask them all questions you can think of. Only those who answer in a swift and polite manner must end up on the short list. This list you can use to discuss your first order.
Market the hair for free
When you have found the right hair, contact the supplier and request permission to publish their images of hair on your social media or website.
If you found the hair your ideal client likes, you will get inquiries about the hair. Use this interest to create a list of leads. Leads are people interested in your hair products and whose email or WhatsApp number you will have obtained. Keep the conversation going with these people, until they are ready to buy.
You know Social Media, like TikTok, Facebook or Instagram, is for free. There is also a lot of information on the internet on how to start a small hair business with no money using social media.
No Money? No problem if you want to design a web store as hair selling machine!
Now you finished all the preparation needed for a successful hair business. You know who wants to buy from you, you know the hair they like, and you have social media up and running. The final step is to see if you can start selling the hair to a bigger audience.
When you prefer to sell hair online, I recommend trying the best eCommerce platform of the business, Shopify. You can make you own hair store and it is free the first 14 days! This means, with the right planning, you can sell hair when your store is ready without you paying anything.
Need help with design webstore?
E=When you need help with the design and launch of your store, can check our step-by-step guide the All-in-One Hair Business Package with Web Store so you can enjoy getting sales right from day one!
How to start a hair business with no inventory
To save on money you need to buy your inventory, you can consider drop shipping. This way you can start a hair business with no inventory, because the vendor will ship the hair or wigs to your clients. You can offer all the hair you like. No limit. Some stores specialize for example on wig drop shipping.
Can you start drop shipping with no money?
We mentioned it before. You can start drop shipping with no inventory, but can you start drop shipping with no money? To buy the inventory, the hair at hand is one of the largest investments when you start selling online. The idea is to start a Shopify store with no money, using the first 14 days free trial to design and set up your store. Link with a hair vendor on Oberlo. This is the drop shipping platform of Shopify, and you could start an online store with no money.
Be sure to have everything prepared in advance, so you can launch the online store at day one. Use social media to create a community of hair lovers. This will cost you no cent. When you have enough people, who follow you and do engage with you, you can launch your Shopify store with no money. 14 days free trial, remember and the Oberlo dropshipping for the hair and beauty products.
You can use the money of your first sales to pay for the monthly fee for Shopify, so you started your hair store without any money.
Get help to start your hair business
If you want to be sure you have everything prepared, starting an online store with no money, you can for a very small amount get a hair business package. This package will guide you through the process from finding your ideal client, the right hair vendors via Oberlo and the marketing strategy. You will also find support to set up your webstore. No need to re-invent everything but use your time and energy in building a community of followers.
How to start a wig business with no money
For wigs you can use a ghost wig maker to prepare the wigs for your clients. Ask the wig maker for some free images of the wigs and use these images to start selling wigs. Your clients will understand, a tailor-made wig will take some time. Ask them for a down payment, or use a payment provider like Sezzle, and use this money to make your down payment for the wig. This is how to start a wig business with no money. You will use the money of the clients, instead of your own money.
How to start a wig business online?
When you want to grow your market, you can start a wig business online. Through the whole country people will be able to find your wigs online. You will have much more potential clients than when you sell from home.
Now you know how to start a wig business with no money!
Please let me know, will this help you to start selling hair, even if you have no money?
Starting a hair extension business uk?
When you want to start a hair business in the United Kingdom, we recommend to check our special post with our vision for that country.
Still questions?
When you still have questions, please feel free leave a comment below. I will respond to you asap and will help you to get started.
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Nov 16, 2017 | Sell on Social Media
Home 9 Tag: Facebook ( Page 2 )
Many owners of a successful hair store, has learned the business by selling hair on Social media. Save every dollar, Euro or Pound to invest in the best hair and promote on Facebook or Instagram
A safe and low risk way to learn the hair business, how to find clients, learn selling hair and talk hair all day long. Instagram is designed to sell hair extensions, there is no other place online where hair lovers look for gorgeous hair, reviews and happy clients.
To help you to benefit from Instagram more, we published a new eBook. Thanks to the many conversations with women who want to launch their business, of which some already are selling through Instagram.
Based upon the conversations we handle in the eBook:
• Where will you be using Instagram for?
• How to measure your goals
• How to use your brand on Instagram
• A posting schedule
• The secret of a post that could go Viral
• Instagram stories
• Hashtags
• How to organize a contest
• Tips to market your brand
• Business tools
• Checklist to get started and sell hair
With this eBook you have everything in one hand to market and sell hair on Instagram. No need to to keep on trying all by yourself. Enjoy the experience of many hair stores and start selling the fast way.
The eBook is available in the hair business all-in-one package, with human hair samples. With the package You will have everything you need to start selling hair. From hair suppliers with hair samples, coaching, promotion, several eBooks and templates.
Do not waste time or money and start selling hair now!
Aug 22, 2017 | Sell Online
Some days in your life your eyes capture something that is hard not to stare at. It’s like a solar eclipse and you want to look at it, whatever it takes! This happened to the latest awesome video from Queen A, this is a video that sells your hair.
Everything is just right about this video, the story line, the performers, the details, and off course the hair. Tell me how many time did you replay the video to enjoy this video that sells your hair!
Glamorous Queen A. Hair Extensions Tripoli by the one and only Queen A. Follow and like her page on Facebook @QueenA. Or Instagram: hairextensions_queena to see more amazing videos and photos on hair extensions.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tRCFqCY7D2w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You too can produce a video that sells your hair
If you want to produce your own video, without any additional investment in video equipment it is possible too.
Learn how to make your own videos from conception and production to editing and posting online. A video that sells your Hair Extensions. How to make the best audio recording with a variety of microphones, and even more important you can learn everything about the process of editing a video and how to make the hair and models you are shooting more engaging.
Learn at Home How To Make Video that Sells Your Hair

Let your ideal client engage with you and your hair, like Queen A does, and sell more hair! Turn complete strangers into loyal hair buying clients!
Jan 15, 2017 | Sell Online
A Facebook Business Page is like your Livingroom
It will not take long, and every baby born on this world will have her or his own Facebook account. That means, as a business owner you can’ t afford not to be present on Facebook. But you will not be alone, you will be surrounded by millions of Facebook Business Pages. And many of them will be selling hair. So, how will your client find you?
No problem
Do not worry, your Facebook Business Page can score high in the rankings. This mean more people will see, share and like your age. All you need is to follow a few rules.
Drunk under the Christmas tree
Please, do not us your personal page to promote your business on Facebook. It’s okay not to only post pictures of hair. But do not overdo it by sharing all your beautiful private moments with your ideal client. Not that many people search the internet looking for a snap chat of your aunt with the face of a lovely bunny.
Show your followers, you are a real person and keep them interested in your postings. New Year party with you and your latest shipment installed, fine. You drunk under the Christmas tree, wrong!

A Facebook Business Page tells the truth
You want people to notice your outstanding postings and to interact, right!
You can read as many articles about successful Facebook postings as you want. No one will tell you what works best for you. Only the Facebook insight page will tell the truth. On this page, you can see exactly what posting your followers liked and shared. This page only comes with a Facebook business Page. A reason more to use this option.
I have seen that brand before
If you are in the hair business you must have a logo. This is a beautiful design that tells the viewer in one blink of the eye who you are and what you sell. Make sure the style, colour and wordings of your logo come back in your website, business card and all your social media profiles. You want to give people that aha feeling. They should think, I have seen that brand before. The more a stranger sees your logo, or brand, especially on different platforms, the more they will feel connected. They will feel your brand can be trusted. And that’s good because they will buy from you faster.
Keep your Facebook Business Page look good
The header of your Facebook Business Page is the anchor for your Followers. I just mentioned the importance of one style. This helps people to stay connected. But think of the impact if you replace your furniture in the living room. What is the reaction of your friends if they visit you? “Hey, did you buy a new sofa? How nice!” Your living room feels brand new again, but with the same furniture. You can do the same with a new profile picture, but with the same style, colour setting or theme.
People love to see themselves in a mirror
What happens if people enter your store or salon, or house and they see a mirror? The can’t resist to watch themselves in this mirror. You can get the same response if you add in your profile picture your ideal client. Or an item your ideal client has a connection with. You sell Brazilian hair, add a flavour of Brazil to your profile picture. You sell to Afro- Americans use a role model.

Use a red flag
Bulls in the arena, or in the field, the immediately respond if they see a red flag, fluttering in the wind. The same goes for your followers. Publish a post and make sure the title acts like a red flag. Try to challenge the reader. Instead of “See my new bundle deal”, try “Do you like to pay too much for your hair?” It’s important to experiment with the titles. Facebook Insight helps a lot because it will tell you the kind of titles that earned the most interaction, like shares, comments or likes.
What do you want me to do?
Nice your followers read you post, but you had a purpose when you wrote the post. You want your followers to do something. The great thing is, this is exactly what your followers want to know. What do you want me to do now? So, end your post with a clear call to action. Subscribe to my newsletter, leave a comment, tell me more….
Are you ready to grow your Facebook followers?
You want to know how to create a Facebook business page? Leave a comment and I help you!
