Stop selling hair, the Hair has the Wuhan Virus
What to answer a client who tells you the hair has the Wuhan Virus?
The Wuhan virus is spreading around the world in a rapid tempo. The Chinese New Year is not helping, as millions of people will travel and potentially spread the Wuhan Virus. We all know China is the number one exporter of Artificial hair, and hair can be synthetic, human or even from animals.
Your clients can easily make a link between the outbreak of the Wuhan Virus and the hair you offer. But is it true, should you stop selling hair because of this coronavirus? A virus very similar to SARS that resulted in more than 8000 cases in 2003.
Are your clients right, there is indeed a risk with buying hair now, or can you convince them to keep on buying hair?
What is the Wuhan Virus?
The Wuhan virus is a so-called coronavirus, like the SARS and MERS viruses. The common symptoms include for example a running nose, headache, cough and fever. The more dangerous kinds of the virus will lead to shortness of breath, chills and body aches.
At this moment it is too soon to know how the virus will evolve. Will it simply going to die out or will it have a serious worldwide impact? It is fully understandable if people, like your clients, have questions about the safety of natural products they buy from that region.
How is the virus transmitted?
The coronaviruses mostly spread through coughing or sneezing of by touching an infected person. But not only by air, but it can also spread if faecal matters encounter another creature’s mouth. In this scenario can serve as a potential viral crossover point. If the hair is not cleansed well enough the virus could be transmitted.
What to tell your clients?
If your client hesitates to purchase the hair, there are several points you can share in the conversation with her.
First, the Wuhan province, the source location of the virus, is not known for the manufacturing of hair extensions.
Secondly, most human hair is imported from abroad and manufactured in China.
Third, the production of hair includes the cleaning, there is a very little chance a client will receive raw uncleansed hair.
Only if clients purchase products like shaving and paint brushes made from animal hair, they must check the origin.
Keep on selling hair
The hair extensions market is famous for the various stories about the origin, production and treatment of the hair. About Indian hair people defend the hair is stolen from the donors. In some regions the production is not very environmentally friendly and uses very aggressive chemicals. And we all know there is no rule book about the use and communication about the grading system.
Luckily you are used to explain to your clients the truth about the hair you are selling. This is part of your marketing plan. So, this new story, about the danger of the Wuhan virus for the hair extensions, is just one more story you must explain. Tell them the truth and tell them it is safe to buy hair. Show them you are the expert and they will keep on returning to you for more hair.
Please leave a comment if your clients ask you about the safety of the hair you are selling.