How hair resellers and beautystores can fight the Coronacrisis You can stop the coronacrisis, why? Read how you can help to fight the Covid-19 crisis. The...

How hair resellers and beautystores can fight the Coronacrisis You can stop the coronacrisis, why? Read how you can help to fight the Covid-19 crisis. The...
GOD will help you to fight COVID-19 GOD is my inspiration to support girls and women all over the world to start selling and to grow their hair and beauty...
You can get COVID-19 by touching a surface informs CDC You can get COVID-19 by touching a surface that has the Coronavirus on it and then touching your own mouth, nose, or eyes. However the Centers...
Sales will drop due to Coronavirus regardless the origin of your hair! There is no more doubt, the Coronavirus will eat the profit of most stores all over the world. The measures to protect the...
Sell Hair Everywhere, thanks to the best Channel Sales Strategy The right Channel Sales Strategy will help you to sell more hair and beauty products, because your products will always be there where...
Increase your inventory due to the Travel ban for Nigerians Today Donald Trump has announced he will soon be imposing a travel ban for Nigeria and Tanzania. These countries are mentioned on a draft...
Cash Flow Forecasting will help you beating the competition in Atlanta Cash is the blood if you want to keep selling hair in Atlanta. You can only survive the saturated hair market of the capital of...
Selling Hair Google Search Console helps! If you are selling hair Google Search Console is probably the last you think of to boost your hair sales. Google Search Console, yet, tells you exactly how...
Avoid an after Christmas sales drop An after Christmas sales drop is easy to tackle! You can still make good deals but – as always- you only must be a little bit more creative. To help you to...
You ruined my hair! The nightmare for every hair extensions seller! An angry client, telling: "You ruined my hair!". This experience can even turn the most charming client into a dragon! She left...
With millions of people wearing Hair Extensions using Facebook, of course you launch a Facebook Hair Business Page. That is free marketing to get connected to your ideal clients. A real connection...
Our blog is number 7 of the best Hair Extensions Blogs: thanks Expertido! Every time when a visitor or client gives me their feedback, it means a lot to me. Especially when the feedback is positive....
Not ready to start selling hair, but you do not mind to make money with your passion for hair? In this post you can find a step by step guide to launch a money generating hair and beauty blog, your own blog!
Where to source hair at favorable prices? This week Kahagi from Kenya asked me where to source hair at favorable prices. The aim was to purchase the hair at conditions that allows women outside...
Jenna told me, she started to offer Donna Bella Tape in Extensions. But the question raised, how much to markup if you sell Donna Bella, or another well-known hair brand? It will not take your...
Your dream is to open a hair boutique in Kenya. You want to make the women from Kenya look and feel good. And you want to also earn some nice money. This is possible. All you need to do is to...
A couple of years ago, I got to know a very nice and ambitious girl, Vina. Vina was the owner of Mystique Hair Collection. Her company was, as she told me, created by a woman for women of all...
You know what I hate most when I am buying something I need? The idea somebody is selling me something. I prefer to be in control of the whole process and I want to be the one who makes the...
Order direct your wholesale human hair extensions from How To Sell Hair Extensions and do not lose time or money to sell hair to your clients. Practice what you preach, also points at How To Sell...
This week, you as a, future, owner of a Hair Store are in the spotlights during the National Small Business Week. Most people think about the big names, when they talk about the economy. Not nice...
Human Hair Samples are high in demand, every single day I receive multiple request for the hair testers of human hair. I collected some images and videos from the manufactory or hair wholesale...
This week I had a chat with Monica, she was interested to sell hair extensions online and wanted to know how to start. She wanted to know everything, from hair samples to how to market her hair....
Every day I speak or chat with girls and women (and some men) who are full of passion to start selling hair. You can feel their ambition when they chat, to create a new hair brand that will make so...
Waiting for the first client, expecting your first hair sale? You launched your website yesterday, full of awesome hair extensions, great prices and free shipping! But no visitors at all. You decide...
Selling hair often goes online, but do not forget a lot of money is still made by good old hair business offline. In a brick and mortar store or salon. Marketing is the art of getting your hair in...
It’s amazing to see how little attention is paid to your most important webpages, your product pages. You are in this business to make people buy your hair. But it seems most time is spent to...
You have been buying hair extensions or weaves for some time and you have seen many stores and salons selling extensions and now you wonder, how to start a hair business and make money and look great instead of making others rich?
There are some possibilities of starting a hair business, to give you some inspiration see below five examples of a hair business you could start.
Start selling hair as a home based business and combine your passion for hair with the comfort of working from home. It sound’s easy but did you know to start a successful Hair Business from home is more difficult than you would expect? You need to have a lot of discipline to keep a balance between you private life and your own business, if not you will not be able to focus and the make the best out of it.
How to Stock Your Hair Supply? Selling hair also involves managing the stock of hair and beauty supplies. A good management of your stock, saves money, time and brings you happy clients. What to do...
Boosting your hair extension sales after the Grand Opening Boosting your hair extension sales after you...