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Selling my hair

I am selling my hair, that was the message Quyen from The Netherlands was telling me on WhatsApp. Quyen has the Vietnamese ethnicity and is the proud owner of 40 centimeter or 16 inches beautiful dark brown human hair.

When you talk about unprocessed, this is the real deal. Quyen has never dyed her hair, neither did she use any permanent chemicals. Virgin hair that is!

The last week I received more requests from people texting me “I am selling my hair; can you help me?” So, I realized more people are looking for ways to sell their hair and I decided to help Quyen.

The condition of the Vietnamese hair

A little bit more about the hair, the hair will only be cut once a final agreement is made with a buyer, this way the hair stays healthy and in top condition. Talking about top condition. Quyen is a non-smoker, and this has kept her hair in a good condition.

Estimated price of the hair

Quyen is offering her hair for 150 euro, excluding shipping cost. When you are interested, you can purchase and fetch the hair in her town of Enschede, The Netherlands.

For a Dutch audience:

Te koop, 40 centimeter natuurlijk haar, unprocessed en van een donor die niet rookt. De kleur van het Vietnamese haar is donkerbruin. Het haar is nimmer geverfd, of gepermanent
Gebruik WhatsApp om mij te bereiken zodat ik je in contact kan brengen met Quyen.


When you are interested in this hair, please contact me by WhatsApp (see green button) or mail me. I will connect you with Quyen and together you can work out the details.

selling my hair vietnamese 16 inches

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