Home 9 All Blog Postings 9 Initiate Hair Store 9 Prepare for the Launch 9 A foggy Saturday day full of inspiration

Today, it was a foggy autumn day in The Netherlands. I cleaned the garden a bit, removed some cobwebs at 6 meter high in the hall and worked on some projects for my clients.

Black and white store, coming soon

For example, on the redesign of a store, instead of 4 colors we are going to use black and white plus some gray. More focus for images, and on all devices the same hue. I had shared a proposal before and the response was promising. The client liked the proposal and she expressed that by sharing this gif.

Always nice when people like what you do

Coming soon, the store from Elizabeth

Also had a chat with, Elizabeth, a young entrepreneur from Nigeria, this evening. She is ready to prepare the launch of her new hair store, with beautiful hair The name of the store …. She told me to keep it secret until the launch. I like the name and the hair a lot! Lucky ladies from Nigeria.

Understand how your own store works

Speaking about Nigeria, I was asked to fix a bug in a webstore from a client in Benin-city, who asked somebody else to work on the store. She felt bad she had to bother me every time to work on her store when she wanted to change something. I told her I love to help her, but together we also agreed she could invest some time to learn the basics about the store herself. I was proud to hear she wanted to try this!

HowTOSellHairExtensions on TikTok?

In the morning a nice chat with Lydia a Chinese hair vendor. She was very enthusiastic about the possibilities of promoting and selling hair via TikTok. Lydia already has a weekly new YouTube movie and now she wants to test TikTok. She was on her way by train to a training when we had our chat. Sometimes I believe Lydia never sleeps because she is always the first to response on any request, no matter the time of the day. She sells hair, is always looking for innovations. Plus, she is a mother of some very sweet kids. Her eldest daughter has been trying to teach me Chinese, but I fear I am not the best student.

DIY pack and hair vendors

I notice with the combination of my DIY pack plus hair vendors I have found a need for many entrepreneurs. I am working on ways to allow as many people as possible to know about the package and the vendors. Today I added a card with a link to the support on most of my YouTube videos. I am also testing what call to action works best. People decide in seconds what’s best for them, and the CTA should give the relevant info to decide.

Long day

It was a long day, with contacts all over the globe and people in all kinds of different stages of their business. As always, an inspiring day.
Tomorrow it will be Church first to get some other inspiration and energy, and off we go again, helping you selling hair!

You want to start selling hair but you need reliable hair vendors and a guide?

Start your own hair store now, it is all about execution!

Start your own hair store, online or offline, now, stop dreaming and start selling! I will help you! Every year around this time, I make up the balance of girls and women who contacted me with questions like ” How to start selling hair, I love to sell hair, but I do...

This blog is number 7 of the best Hair Extensions Blogs: Expertido!

Our blog is number 7 of the best Hair Extensions Blogs: thanks Expertido! Every time when a visitor or client gives me their feedback, it means a lot to me. Especially when the feedback is positive. I started the How to Sell Hair Extensions Website to support you. You...

Do you want to make money with your love for beauty and fashion?

Do you want to make money with your love for beauty and fashion? Combine your love for beauty and fashion into a risk-free money generating business. Start telling, selling hair and beauty and become independent. Did you run out of ideas to find your dream job? What...