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Your private label hair brand sold by others

We all know it is not easy to find high quality hair. You will need to find the right hair vendor. A hair vendor with good hair and able to keep on delivering the hair you need. For that reason, many hair resellers prefer to keep their hair vendors to themselves. But what about scaling your hair business by making your quest for a good vendor generating extra money for you?

Set a private label hair brand on the market

When you are convinced, you have found hair that will never cause a bad hair day, you can decide to sell the hair to retail clients. Clients that will buy a bundle plus closure perhaps twice a year. But what if you sell your hair to other resellers. You can even brand the hair from them so nobody will know it is “your hair”.

This is private labeling, you let others sell your hair using their own brand name.

No branding still more profit

It is amazing, but because you found quality hair, you know this will generate happy clients. Instead of you searching for all these ideal clients’ profiles, the other resellers will do. You only must focus on fining hair resellers in need for good quality hair. The higher demand for the hair, will allow you to get a stronger bargaining position with your vendor.

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The advantage of private label hair

You will allow access to top hair with your hair brand for hair resellers who cannot. They will be a loyal client base of your hair because they get happy clients.

The hair will generate more profit for you because you have less marketing expenses, and you will have a lower purchase price.

You can always keep on selling the hair to your own individual clients. This will get you an extra income, because of your retail shop. Because you have a private label, you will not compete with the other hair resellers you sell your private label hair to.

The disadvantage of a private label hair brand

Good quality hair requires more attention than the hair you buy on Alibaba. You need to maintain a good relationship with the hair vendor, visit them on a regular basis to ensure you will not only get the top hair, but also to see if they keep on innovating in the hair. This all means more costs.

You need to invest more time in helping the resellers to sell your label. Support them and avoid they will start looking for cheaper hair that will give them more profit on the short term. You know only quality hair is a guarantee for long term profit.

Add an extra profit line to your business

Are you ready to sell an extra service to your hair business and ready to sell your hair as a private label to other resellers? Let me know if you are ready for this extra income or need any help.

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