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Selling your hair products to hair stylists and sell 10x more

You can sell your hair to retail clients, but what if you can increase your order volume by 10 or more? Sell your hair products to hair stylists! The stylist or hair salon already has their clients, but do they have the products to increase their own revenue base? Why don’t you sell hair to the hair stylist in your region?

Perhaps you might consider this a good idea, but you do not know how to contact them. Or you are not the type that makes a call to offer your services, or you do not feel comfortable to call a stranger.

You are not the only one, even experienced salespeople feel the stress before they dial the number of that new prospect. The same salespeople that take a victory drink after they closed the deal! And you can enjoy this too!

Be prepared for the unknown

Most people are afraid they do not know what will happen after they started the conversation. The person they call, might ask questions you do not have an answer for now. Or you do not know what to say after a successful introduction.

To prepare yourself, and to improve yourself as a salesperson over time you can use a sales script. A sales script is not a list you should read to your potential client. The stylist will notice right away, and by reading the script you will, especially in the beginning, be more focused on your script then on the reactions of your potential client. A sales script is a guidance you can use during the call to keep you on track.

How to create your script

What hair pieces do you want to sell?

For the beginning of the call, it must be clear what you want to talk about. You will lose a potentially interested client, if during they call, they realize you want them to sell your wigs instead they can sell their services to your clients. Write the script with this message in your mind, what hair products you want to sell?

To whom you want to sell hair?

A successful sale starts with the ideal client. Who is the person you want to solve their hair needs? The same goes for the hair stylists. In preparation for the ideal client profile, or the sales script you can have some chats with hair stylists. Make an appointment if you feel shy to just have a talk. And talk about the pros and cons of the hair stylist job. Learn what her or his pain points are, and the kind of solutions they are looking for.
You will leave their salon not only with gorgeous, styled hair, you will also be a smarter and wiser salesperson!

What is in it for the hair stylist?

When you succeed to tell the hair stylist, a couple of benefits your service and hair pieces will bring them, the talk will be much easier. When you can make clear what is in it for the hair stylist, they will help to find more potential problems where you can bring a solution for. Be prepared for these other problems. Share your view, do not over promise but show you are committed to help them.

What are the pain points of a hair stylist?

You know the pain points they face, and now with every new conversation with a hair stylist you will learn more pain points. Use your experience with the sales calls to improve your product offering. Ask questions about the pain points. This will broaden your knowledge about the challenge’s hair stylist face. Make sure you take note of everything and think about the solutions you can offer.

One can expect most hair stylist faces a similar kind of challenges, with of course everybody from her or his unique position. Never tell the hair stylist everybody has problems. These pain points are the best access you can get for a beneficial conversation. Understand their needs and share your point of view. But also, try to learn as much as possible about these paint points. See for every pain point what your services and hair pieces can do. Even if it is rather obvious for you, never forget the other person might not have seen your solution.

You learn from listening, not by talking

It is so easy to tell the hair stylist about how great your product is, all the benefits and how it will solve their pain points. But when you talk, the other person might feel she can not share all her ideas or problems. Valuable information might get lost because you run over it like a bulldozer. Control yourself and let the hair stylist speak the most. This is also the proof they like the conversation. They feel they can share their ideas with this stranger (you) who really tries to understand them and to find solutions. Let them ask questions, make them feel heard.

Build in questions that will help you to understand the hair stylist. Repeat what the hair stylist just told you. This will show the stylist you really listen and that you really want to understand their story. You are interested in them. When they reply they even might bring up new topics, and this keep the conversation going.

Set a clear call to action

Make sure there is a follow up at the end of the call. Ask for a new call to talk more in depth. Or try to arrange for a sample order, or a visit to their salon to have a talk. Try to avoid leaving the initiative with the hair stylist, keep the conversation going!

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