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Do not start selling hair without your buyer persona

Your hair business starts and ends with your client. That makes her your ideal client or buyer persona. She, or he, is part the market that you want to mine. A market full of people that will buy from you, at your store price and your conditions!

The more you succeed to step into the shoes of your ideal client, the better your sales will be. All you must do discover is what she needs. Find a wholesale hair vendor that can provide her kind of hair. Select the Ecommerce platform where she can find the hair. She tells you what she needs to will help you to start your business. When you succeed to provide the hair she needs, she will buy as the last step of the sales cycle. Client happy, you happy!

Understand your buyer persona better

But where will your buyer persona share all her personal details with you? How will you get to know her better? Read further to understand her better.

Talk hair with everybody you meet

The easiest way of learning more about what your ideal client wants is to talk hair with everybody. Everybody that will fit in the market you aim at. Hair and beauty are topics everybody loves to talk about. It makes people often very happy to talk hair and it helps them to forget the daily struggle. Hair is a medicine against a bad mood, and it is a perfect excuse to start a conversation. When you talk, keep some of the key questions in mind. Try with every conversation to fill in the missing parts. Or finetune your insight in some previous responses you got and where you want to know more about.

With every talk you will understand the needs and likes of your hair market better. This will help you to become an expert in hair needs, or an influencer. You could even start a blog, or social media channel. A great way to start any career in the hair and beauty business! Whatever happens, do not stop talking hair!

Listen to your clients

When you are in business, or when you have enough people who follow you, analyse the feedback. Or the mails, the comments. Try to group the reactions into topics with similar characteristics. Not everybody uses identical words for the similar events or product. Use the context, like the posting, the images to group the various comments. Later, this will help you to discover a trend. To find out what your market and not all these individuals apart, are looking for and how.

Focus on the things you can change

You will hear and read a lot of different things when you talk hair or read the social media comments. To find what is important for you and your hair business, focus only on things that relate to:

  1. Product
  2. Price
  3. Promotion
  4. Place

You can find another product when your clients are looking for a specific texture or style. You can look for another vendor, when the price does not fit the budget of your client. You can change the branch or tone of voice to improve your Promotion effort. You can start selling your hair products in salons when your clients prefer. All this you can change, listen to what your clients have to say about this. Later you can also use this to compare the effort of the competition.

A product description your buyer persona likes

Now you know where to focus on, it is time to write the product description. You know what is relevant for your market. You know what they are looking for. Make sure to include this in the description and the images on your product pages. Use the definitions your clients use. Show the images they find the confirmation what you offer is what they want. List the benefits your product offers, that will solve the challenges they are facing.

You must talk again to your client, but this time she will listen (or read), and you will write or tell (video) about the hair.

Use the keywords you found before. This will help search engines, like Google or Bing, to determine if what is on your webpages is what your clients are looking for when they Google for hair.

Click Through Rate shows your level of success

The art is to close the gap between what your market, your ideal client, is looking for and what Google shows them in the search results. You can see in Google Search Console exactly what users have been searching for and to which webpage Google has guided them. For example, the query “Raw Vietnamese hair” can result Google will show your http://mystore/Vietnamese_Raw_Hair.html Product on the google search page. You can see the number of times Google saw the relevancy between your webpage and the query (Impressions). But you can also see, how successful your page tile and meta description was to convince the user to click and to visit your product page. The Click trough rate, that is also shown by Google Search Console, will tell you how successful you and Google have been to convince somebody on the internet the information on the webpage http://mystore/Vietnamese_Raw_Hair.html is what they are looking for. In other words, it shows you have been able to give the answer on the clients need. We are back at the client again.

Step by step increase your sales

It is possible the click through rate is too low. In that case you will not get enough visitors to the webpage. Now you must analyse using Google Search Console and your ideal client profile and all the other things you know about your client what is missing. Or what should be emphasized more. It will be a game of trial and error. Make sure you go step by step and you record every change and any change in Impressions, Ranking and Clicks. Step by step you will be able to tell the client better what they are looking for, and the number of visits will increase and with this the number of orders.

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