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Too often forgotten, but you can make money by selling hair to men

Sometimes you can be so busy to make money selling hair, you easily forget 50% of the market! You love to talk hair with your female clients, looking for the latest trends and finding great supplier. But why would you forget the weaker sex, with most often the biggest wallets? And mind you, this is not about how to make money selling sex. This is all about how to benefit from the difference between men and women!

Times has changed

Back in 2015 I wrote two postings about the opportunities many hair entrepreneurs neglect when building their hair and beauty business. The weaker sex, or also known as boy’s, men, or sugar daddies.
At the time it was hard to find men who could be a role model for other men with respect to hair extensions, but time has changed. We live in time we talk more about humans or people, instead of stereo types, like men and women. Soon we all can use the same bathroom, or babies of both genders can wear the same type of diapers again. Men have discovered the pleasure of taking care of their hair! Especially the young ones.

So, the time is there to make money from selling hair to men. You can sell directly to them, with toupees, or hair pieces, but what about helping men to find the best hair for their partners?

Sell toupees

You can start opening a corner on your webstore with hair pieces for men. Not only toupees or other hair pieces, but you can also offer some grooming products. And what about support to dye the hair? Be sure to be informative about the use of the products and high light the specifications. Tell the success stories with the hair pieces and products.

Help men buying hair for their partners

Another interesting part of the hair market is the absolute failure of most men to find a good present for their partner. That is frustrating, because at the same time, men realize how rewarding it can be if you manage to give your partner the right present. But what hair to buy, or how to even think of buying hair? On this part, you can help men by advertising the benefits of giving hair as a present. Not only for Valentine, but on every special occasion, or just as a surprise.
Make sure you have the right channels for them to contact your store and sales team. For some it will be the first time they visit an online hair and beauty store!

How to make money selling hair to men?

Focus on the two channels, one to have male hair products on your site, something you can also tell your female clientele. Do not mix the female and male hair products but create a special corner, or at least category. The other is to actively approach men about the great hair extensions are for their partners. Create a campaign, or compose a leaflet, something they can read more about the hair and organize a helpdesk for desperate men.

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