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Get the best hair extensions prices

You can only sell hair if you know the hair extensions prices your clients can afford and the competition charges. You want to know how to get the best hair extensions prices.
Of course, your clients need hair in different variations, colors and lengths and origin. But the fist they compare are your hair extensions prices. Compare the prices of the extensions, braids, or wigs with the prices they paid the last time they bought hair.
Before you buy hair to test or to sell, I recommend you analyze the market and to investigate the hair extensions prices in your part of the hair market.

How to compare hair extensions prices?

When you start to search on the internet for “prices of hair extensions”, “price of hair” or anything similar you will find a lot of results. That is a good thing, and you will see a lot of stores selling hair. The list could be too long, and you should not invest all your free time in this. You must work smart to get the best result possible and not to lose too much time in finding the answers.

Define your part of the hair market

First narrow the results down to the area you consider your base market.
I know most of you prefer to have the whole world as their clients, but even Amazon started small. It is easier to broadcast your marketing messages, and to perform a market survey if the area is not too large.

Make a list of 10 Hair Extensions stores

You might know already the names of a couple of stores, and when you search on the internet you can add these too. To learn how to analyze the competition, you can start with only 10 stores to compare. Not more because you first need to het experience in finding what you are looking for. Comparable hair extensions prices.



Find the hair prices you are looking for

When you visit these hair stores, you will soon notice most of them sell hair under different name, and different specifications. You will not find any single item these 10 hair stores offer that is fully comparable. And even so, if they would all sell Brazilian Deep Wave, this tells you nothing. There are no rules about the use of the qualification Brazilian or texture of the hair.
The brand name, if Brazilian or Peruvian or any name is the name the store owner knows her clients are looking for. I know a girl from Brazil, selling hair extension and she avoids naming the hair Brazilian. But the fact she is from Brazil and she looks like somebody from Brazil, is enough to make people think they buy Brazilian hair. The name of the hair is in the mind of your clients, not necessarily the location the hair originates from.
So, for this exercise, to find the hair prices of the extensions or other hair products you must forget the name of the hair others stick on the hair.
The same goes for the quality, you can not compare the quality of the hair at this stage. Only when you buy samples or small orders you can compare the hair.
Use the name of the hair as used by the hair store, the variations like length, color, texture and when shipping is included. Make a list of the hair products all these shops offer.
This might be a long list, because some stores really have a broad product offering. But this insight will help you to become the hair expert your clients need.

Compare the Hair prices

Now you must find a way to be able to compare all these different hair products. What you can do, is to focus on the two elements that are analogous for all the hair products. The price and the length.
Divide for every hair extensions product or braids the price by the length. Important is to include the shipping if no free shipping is offered. The price of the hair sold with free shipping, does include the shipping charges, but this is not separately charged.
Now you can compare the prices and see how much everybody is selling for an inch of hair.
Rank the hair price per inch from lowest to highest and now you can start to analyze why the price of the extensions in one store differs from the price of the hair in another store.
This could be because of other after sales, broader or smaller product offering, quality of the hair and many reasons more.
The advantage of the ratio price of hair extensions divided by the length is you now can really make a comparison, even with different brand name and texture.

We can help

If you need help, and you want to know the hair prices of the stores in your market, feel free to contact us using the contact form below. Send the names and websites of the stores you want to analyze, and we can check in our database for the prices of the hair. This saves you time and will help you to find the best price for your clients! Who’s first?

What are the hair stores you want to know more about!

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