Our blog is number 7 of the best Hair Extensions Blogs: thanks Expertido!
Every time when a visitor or client gives me their feedback, it means a lot to me. Especially when the feedback is positive. I started the How to Sell Hair Extensions Website to support you. You who wants to start selling Hair Extensions, Weaves and more.
To have the website selected in the top 10 of the best Hair Extensions Blogs nearly made me cry from happiness. Today I received the notification email from Expertido with the badge that comes with it. Out of 212 Hair Extensions blogs, we made it to number 7!
I must thank you!
This excellent position is only possible for the questions and challenges your shared with me. I can only perform relevant research, develop new hair business solutions if you keep on sharing your questions. Your questions very often are the source for a new blogpost. So, thank you very much for inspiring me.

Number 7 best Hair Extensions Blogs
I like to repeat this, we made it to number 7 out of 212 Hair Extensions Blogs! Of course, this triggers me to aim at a top three position next year. Thanks to Expertido that is easy because, we now have a list of competitors we can measure ourselves against.
Follow How to Sell Hair Extensions on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and please share your questions with us.
What does Expertido do?
Expertido.org is dedicated to the consumer. They aim to provide the consumer with a thorough, unbiased and independent purchase advice. Expertido is growing to be one of the largest and most comprehensive product review sites in the United States. With tens of thousands of reviews and rankings in categories that include:
– fitness & outdoor equipment,
– personal care,
– infant care,
– electronics,
– home & garden,
– household appliances and
– much more.
Their aim is to reduce the number of returned goods, after an online sale. This should be possible if the expectation as promised on the website matches the value you receive at delivery. No more bad hair after your bought online, but the certainty you get what you expect!
Expertido does not only reviewed products. They also analyse and review blogs, in our case Hair Extension Blogs. The blogs have been reviewed based upon issues like:
– Data protection
– Utility
– Readability
– Promotion and commercial printing
– Social media appearances and
– many more characteristics!
Next year Your Hair Extensions Blog on the top 10 list of Expertido?
You know you can enter the beautiful and profitable business of selling hair extensions by start sharing your expertise in a blog.
I am ready to support you with the hosting, blog design and if needed inspiration for blogposts. I would love to have a shared number one position with your hair Extensions Blog next year!
And for this year the number 7 position, thanks again!