Home 9 All Blog Postings 9 Scale Your Business 9 Make Your Business Grow 9 Do you pay your clients enough for buying your hair?
Did you know the most efficient and cheapest way is to divide your time and money on your existing clients? Not only because, they already know your name and passion for hair. They can also be true ambassadors of your shop and products. They will tell their friends about the great hair salon or shop they know, your shop and your brand!

So, if clients generate new clients, why won´t you reward them for this?
There are many ways to show your appreciation to your loyal client base, below you´ll find some samples.

1. Send a birthday card. Take every opportunity to get hold of the clients birthday or any other relevant event (wedding day). Store this data in an electronic agenda and plan a reminder one or two weeks in advance. Send them a greeting card as token of your engagement. If you like you can include a personal discount voucher.
2. VIP clubs. Give your loyal client a VIP status, with for example lower shipping charges, higher discounts or free samples.
3. Call them. If you are happy about the relation with your client, why don’t you tell them. Give them a call and thank them for their loyalty.

4. Amazon gift card. Reward them by emailing gift cards. This will allow them to buy exactly what they are looking for and they will always remember you when they enjoy the use of it. To make it even more special, you can also mail the gift through ordinary post. Who does not like to open an envelope with a personal gift.

5. Thank them in a tweet or post on social media, so their friends can see how much you appreciate them.

6.Credit. Allow your loyal clients to buy on credit, instead of a lay away, or to get a hair treatment for free.

There are more ways to reward you loyal clients, please if you have a suggestion we are interested to hear your suggestions. And we will share them with your name on our website and social media, to thank you!

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