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OMG I am pregnant, or why to develop a hair marketing strategy

What has pregnancy to do with a hair marketing strategy? Let me tell you.

Last week Tuesday, two of my clients at the same day told me they were pregnant. I really felt privileged they shared this news with me. Also because this news is perceived in a different way for each individual. It taught me again that behind every hair business, there is a person with her or his own story. But also there are some similarities, things we all share.
First of all, there are three phases you have to take into consideration.

Awareness phase

The same goes for your clients, each individual client has her story, but she is also on her own place in time. Perhaps she is unhappy about the synthetic hair she wears and she looking for an alternative, should I go to human hair, or become a naturalista? This does not mean she is ready to purchase hair, but she is realizing she has a problem.
Clients in this phase will not look for your brand name, they are in need for some education. Some ideas and background information about the various hair extensions, the difference between synthetic and human hair. But also about the natural hair movement. What is it about?

Consideration phase

If she understands she has to look for new hair style, she would like to know more about what’s the natural hair movement, the kind of protective hair styles, hair growth vitamins etc. In other words, what kind of solutions does the market offer. This is the phase where she will notice the products and services you offer for this specific solution. She will make her long list of possible solutions’ and of course add the providers of that solution. Now it’s important you can describe the solutions your services offer for her hair problems.

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Decision phase

Finally, you can start to post your brand with your offer, because in the final phase your ideal client will look for specific providers, the ones on her long list and she will cross the ones out who do not comply with her needs. Now she will notice your brand name, because this name showed up when she was getting aware she has a hair problem, she read your post about protective hairstyles when she was looking for solutions, and you were on her long list. So make sure she can find you to buy from you.
Why did I start telling you about my pregnant clients? Because I want you to realize, there are always more people with the same need, everybody is unique and deserves to be treated as a unique person, but there are always some similarities.

Hair marketing Strategy

Now it comes to finalize your strategy. If you have defined the different phases and needs of your ideal clients, you can plan a hair marketing strategy. This is a plan to aim your attention to a specific group of clients with the same cultural background, needs, education, demographics or health situation. But always use the information and needs of the three phases, awareness, consideration and decision.

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