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Chinese hair suppliers miss opportunities

A client, Paula, asked me to find her Chinese Hair Suppliers. Two years ago she had started her business. She managed to find new visitors for her webstore, but she had difficulties in finding a Chinese supplier of hair that delivered the quality she was looking for. Because she too is convinced there is still a growing demand for hair, she needed another hair supplier.

It all started with a long list of Chinese hair wholesale suppliers

Chinese Hair SuppliersPaula told me she always started to google for Chinese Hair Suppliers, and based upon the first 5 pages of search results she made a long list. I personally think to go through 5 pages of search results is quite an effort, because that will give you 60 to 75 results.

She wrote down the name of the company, the ranking, the url and the company name and her first impression of the company. And of course also if it was a website or the company was on a market platform like Alibaba or AliExpres.

Start the beauty contest of Chinese Hair Suppliers

Now the next step was to eliminate suppliers without risking any dollar, the desk research. Before Paula checked on the quality of the hair, she did some desk research to know more about these firms.

What did others say, for example on social media, did they have reviews, when was the last post on Facebook. Of course she checked the pictures. It is amazing how many stores use the same pictures to offer their hair. The result was a short list of 20 firms.

Now the beauty contest really started, because Paula started to contact the Chinese hair extensions suppliers. Just a simple question, something about the conditions, the price or how long they were selling hair.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

It did not take long after her emails for inquiries were answered.
The feedback she received from these companies was really divers.

• Emails written full of Chinese characters
• Long mails with various tables full of figures, probably inches and prices.
• Some suppliers offered 8, 9 AA grade hair
• Short professional and personalized responses for contact

This really helped her a lot to reduce the number of suppliers even more, especially when she replied to these emails and she received exactly the same mail again, without addressing her questions, or mails where the company only asked how much hair she wanted.

Why do these Chinese Companies miss opportunities?

Fortunately, I could introduce Paula to some of my contact’s, but I kept asking myself why so many Chinese Hair Suppliers go the long way to get found on internet, pay for an Alibaba or AliExpress store and still fail in starting a simple, friendly conversation with a potential client?

It would help if these companies would really better understand the problems, doubts and needs of their clients in the US, Europe or Africa. And because the best way to understand each other is to communicate, this first email from a customer is a golden opportunity to increase your sales and to get happy customers. Why don’t they invest in here?

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