In our search for business opportunities we like to use a different angle. This time we took the countries with the biggest import of hair extensions, wigs and other hair related products and we divided this over the number of inhabitants in that country.
And this is what we saw:
• The United States is without any doubt the number one with 4 USD hair imported per inhabitant
• Interesting is to see how, within the European Union, countries like Germany, France and Belgium stay below the consumption of similar countries like the United Kingdom or Sweden
• Outside the EU one could focus for business opportunities on Canada for example where the import is nearly a quarter of the import in the USA per head.
Click here to get the survey sourced from the United Nations :
What can you do with this:
In case you are currently in a highly competitive market, with overall flat growth you could consider to target another audience, look at your neighbors for example.
Make sure you include topics like culture and import and export regulation in your business plan and enjoy the journey!